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i would like a michael cupcake

where the hell are u
i just woke up and u gone
did you leave me...?
i mean if i was annoying u could've told me
i just found ur note
i am so sorry
pls forgive me for whatever the fuck that was above
ah shit u read it
now i can't delete it

you fucking stupid idiot

well i thought u left!!!!!
is karen ok then?

yeah she's fine
we're bringing home food now

oh ok

why would u even think i left you behind
i wouldn't have if i didn't forget mom had an appointment

it's ok
i stole ur hoodie :)

you bitch
right we're turning the corner

ah fuck i need to put panties on

oh you're such a little shit

"you're back!" el smiled widely by the door and helped karen grab her bags, "here, let me help you,"

"thank you, dear," karen smiled as el brought the food to the kitchen.

"ma, go change, we'll set everything up," mike kissed his mother's cheek and she nodded before walking upstairs to change.

"hey, careful," mike gently whispered and helped karen hold the railing with a smile.

"thank you, go help el," she said and he went to follow el to the kitchen.

"would you take picture of my feet?" el asked casually as mike's eyes widened and he gaged, "sorry, what?"

"my feet aren't that disgusting. it's actually really pretty but i need money because my card is getting denied. i'm getting emilio to transfer it to another account at the moment and considering how they're so many disgusting pervs out there," she gagged at the thought, "i should make money off of it."

"how do people even like feet?"

"MY EXACT THOUGHT!" she exclaimed and then set up the food, "but hey, i get that money from it. i need a good angle though so please help,"

he sighed and squeezed his nose bridge, "fine. let's get you that money,"

"aw!" she went to hug him and then kissed his cheek, "i love you,"

"i'm only being this supportive because i love you." he mumbled and kissed her hair, "and because they're not nudes."

"i was getting there," she teased him and he rolled his eyes.

"i thought we were setting the food up," karen walked in and said which made el take a step back from mike and smile sheepishly as her cheeks started to heat up.

"i'm kidding," karen laughed as mike shook his head whilst el went to take the food to the dining table.


"now who's the one who left without a note," mike set his arms on his hip when he found el sitting at the same pier they went to on her birthday.

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