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emerson sat down on the chair in el's room as eli laid on the bed he made the nurses add in el's room.

it was big enough for one more and he placed it right besides her.

el was sat criss crossed on her bed as she played with eli by setting down the sides of the bed so it'll make a big one.

"el!" the door slammed open and mike walked in with a smile.

she looked up quickly and crawled to the front of the bed and opened her arms with a grin.

quickly, he embraced her into a tight hug, careful not to hurt or accidentally tug on the oxygen tube of hers then smiled.

"hi little dove," he mumbled so only she could hear.

she smiled and whispered back, "hi."

"i brought you mcdonald's, you hungry?" he roughly pulled on the desk and placed the food on there.

"not really, but i want some fries." el said to him and pulled away to sit down on her butt.

she leaned back a bit as he took everything out, "they almost didn't have curly fries today, i had to demand for it."

she grinned a bit, "i love curly fries."

"yeah i know, you're fucking picky as hell," he insulted and scrunched up the bag before he threw it somewhere in the room.

it landed right on emerson's head and he glared right at him, "fucker."

"asshat." mike said back casually and pulled out a chair to sit on.

"you motherfucker—" emerson stood and pointed a finger but el waved her hand in the air and made him sit back down, "sit your ass back down, i want to eat my fries peacefully."

he rolled his eyes and hid away so she wouldn't see and then only focused on his phone.

eli put his hands behind his head and leaned back, "i wish you were dead."

"eli," el hissed and turned her head to face him.

"you're hogging my sister!" eli exclaimed at mike, "we said this was my time! you should make your way out."

"shut it," el slapped him, "i'm fucking serious if you continue with this hogging my sister shit, and emerson this counts to you and everyone else to. if you fucking say that shit one more time, i'll pull this motherfucking tube out of my nose and i'll jump outta that window right the fuck there because it's fucking bullshit."

"i'm 17, and you don't own me." el added before placing a fry in her mouth, "and you won't be in my will for the future."

"what could i possibly want from you?" eli asked and tilted his head.

"love, you ass." el raised her eyebrows, "i'll write down, bitch they killed me. did not love them ha ha."

"fuck you," eli shoved her lightly and el grinned, "eat a fry," el shoved it into his mouth then patted his cheek with a laugh.

"i hate you." eli gritted through his teeth but with a small smile.


"why won't you stay over, cupcake?" el asked, teasing a nickname at mike.

it was now around 11 at night, mike stayed with el since the afternoon in the hospital with her. he could've left, but he wanted to stay with her so much.

"because it is late," mike simply stated as he laid next to her, facing up at the ceiling.

he was very careful to make sure he didn't hurt her. he did everything to make sure and el was really amused as to how much he was worrying and concerned.

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