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el clung onto emilio's back right as he walked in. he jumped as the door shut and she let out a laugh before coming from behind the door.

"hi brother," she grinned as he turned around. "hi sissy!"

"hi brother!" she matched his tone with a giant smile and he grinned and hugged her properly. "hi sissy!" he repeated again before picking her up a bit but careful not to hurt her.

"how are you today?" emilio asked her and she shrugged, "i'm okay, i thought you had practice?"

"you're more important." he tapped her nose and kissed her cheek before he led her back to the bed.

"you look nice today," el said to him, "were you going out?" she asked him with a little smile.

"nah. i was looking good for no reason," he said, "but i look good all the time anyways," he sat down on a chair and smiled.

"have you ate yet?" he asked, "i'll get someone to get you some food if you like."

"no, i ate."

"what did you eat?" he asked.

she had no fucking idea. the food provided was shit so she threw it into the trash. it wasn't like she wanted to eat anyways so it was a win win in a way.

she knew she was wasting the food and so she told the nurse to bring less next time and she'll eat some of it tomorrow.

"some hospital stuff," she said and laid on her side, "can you talk to them about this," she pointed to the oxygen tube through her nose, "i literally cannot breathe whenever anyways. i'll be fine."

"i know." he said. he did know.

the doctor of hers suspected it was a symptom of her anxiety but there were a lot of other reasons found and so they didn't exactly know why.

she nodded, "well, if you're busy you should go. i'm sure ezra or someone would come by.. if they're not busy either."

"no ones busy," he quickly told her, "no one is busy for you."

"yay me then," she mumbled and he laughed and ruffled her hair, "want to go on a walk?"

"not really," she said, "i just wanna leave.... but i mean i don't want to go home so i guess that's fine."

"you know, sis," he spoke up, "would you ever want em—"

"sissy wissy!" ezra slammed the door open with the biggest smile and already had his arms opened, ready for a hug.

"ezra?" el asked, "what are you doing here? i thought you were coming tonight with the others." she opened her arms as he came nearer and he went to go hug her.

"we missed you so we decided to come early. but emilio was already three streets down somehow." he mumbled against her hair and pulled back, "i missed you. why didn't you answer my calls last night?"

"i was busy," yeah, teasing the fuck outta mike that he almost threw a chair out of the window in annoyance.

but it was amusing to her. she pulled the 'i'm the one in the hospital after a suicide attempt' card.

"were you though?" ezra asked her as the others walked in.

"wombmate!" eli dropped his bag and jumped onto the bed that was his and el was quick to push down the sides of them and to give him a hug.

"eli!" she tackled him into a hug till they laid down on the bed together cuddled up.

"el!" eli exclaims and nuzzled his head into her shoulder, "i missed you so goddamn much,"

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