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"michael," karen called out into the house as he walked down the stairs and fixed his sleeve, "yeah, ma?"

"when you come home tonight, bring back some milk for me please," she gently requested, "are you running late or can you eat breakfast with me?"

"i'm sorry, ma. i'll wake up earlier tomorrow." he gave her a kiss on the cheek, "and you shouldn't be cooking, you need rest."

"i will be fine," she shook her head, "go on now, don't want to be late."

he nodded once then gave her another kiss and then a hug, "text me if you need anything, mom. absolutely anything,"

"don't worry about me, i will be fine."

"and don't miss out on your doctor appointments again," he said as he went to the door, "they will call me, you know that," he then grinned, "love you,"

"i love you too,"

once he reached his car, he simply took a good ten minutes before he reached the school.

and for the first time, he made it just in time for first period.

but what caught his eye was the same girl he saw at the party from days ago exiting the car with her twin.

he knew she wouldn't recognise him but he did. everyone knew who they were.

their parents were such snobs but their children weren't.

everyone knew that as well.

once she looked up and her eyes met his, she smiled gently and nodded before walking away towards the school, leaving her brother behind.

her dark hair that reached her lower back swung as she walked and he was starting to wonder who the hell wore platforms to school.

"continue to eye my sister and i'll claw your eyeballs out,"

mike turned. "i would love to see you try, buddy," he patted eli on the shoulder before walking away.

mike remembered how he has first period with el and how they both sat at the back. it would be a good chance to test her after that night.

he entered just in time and the teacher was obviously used to his lateness to not care and simply watched him go sit behind el's seat.

el could care less for the class. she used to have great grades, she made sure she did her homework and all her assignments were handed in.

but that all stopped when she came to realise that her parents would never care.

when she got an a hundred, her parents didn't care. when eli got a ninety-eight on the same test, they praised him for it.

but wasn't she the one to get the full marks?

she also knew she shouldn't use her powers in public, but sometimes she could get a little bored and entertain herself with some mind reading.

telekinesis wasn't her only skill..

'stop trying to read my mind, dove,'

her eyes winded and her head turned around to see mike looking down at his journal doodling. his head tilted up a bit and his eyes met hers which made her cheeks flush just a bit.

it was kinda hot how his head wasn't tilted all the way up.

'i know i'm hot,'

she rolled her eyes and replied. 'stop reading my thoughts, it is an invasion of privacy.'

his eyebrows raise. 'then what were you just doing?'

she let out the smallest scoff and turned back on her seat to face the front.

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