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everyone would probably die to have telekinesis.. but that wasn't the case for el.

it was one of the main reasons why her parents hated her so much.. well, and there was because she was a girl.

having 6 brothers was not easy for el because that meant watching her parents be proud and accepting of everyone except for her.

them being or close to being in the nfl, nhl or nba or being a ceo.

whatever she did, she could never win their approval.

she had tried everything. everything she thought could win their attention and praise.

but not one thing they approved. not one.

so now.. she does not care. she is just living.. everyday was the same.

waking up, putting on a smile for her brothers when the first thing she wished for when she woke up was to not wake up the next day.

"el!" eli shouted from her bedroom door, his voice filled with excitement, "let's go! we're late!"

she got up from her bed, stared herself in her full length mirror to make sure her thighs weren't showing and her arms weren't either.

once that was settled, she grabbed her bag and opened her door to be embraced by her twin brother.

.... that got all the damn love.

"morning," she whispered, putting on that same smile.

he tightened his arm around hers then walked down the circular stairs with her. "how did you sleep?" he asked.

just as she was about to reply, another voice was heard.


she felt his arms around her from behind and she was quick to turn around to hug him back.

"i hate you." eli grumbled and walked away because everyone knew emilio was el's favourite.

"morning sis," he kissed her hair and cupped her face to inspect her dark eye bags, "have you been sleeping enough, sunflower?"

sunflower, the nickname emilio had for her. they each had a different one for her.. except for eli.

he didn't have much creativity so he would normally just shout out, "me but girl version! or wombmate!"

but they were nothing alike.

none of them had powers and even if they did, mama and papa wouldn't hide them from the world like they did with el.

"yes," she answered him. a lie. a huge ass lie.

how could she sleep with such thoughts weighing on her head every night. every night she wished for a good night sleep but when her parents made comments with such creativity, her wish would never come true.

he smiled. "good." he then led her to the large dining room where breakfast was held.

the long wooden table where their parents were sat at the two heads like they owned the world and in a way, they did.

all they cared about was to be the best within their little community and for everyone to know what a powerful and rich family they were.

everyone else was seated and emilio pulled out her seat which was right next to his and emerson's.

emerson was the oldest and also the one who was most protective over his sister.

he knew how neglected she was from their parents and considering how he could never take her away, he wanted to stay and make sure she was okay.

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