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"so you can hear it, but you can't hear it?" mike asked in confusion as el nodded.

his head tilted and his eyebrows furrowed at the snake curled around her hand.

"like.. when i ask her something, i can't hear the response but i know the response." el said, "it makes no sense to you but it makes a lot of sense to me."

"so you're like connected...?"

"no, but it's more than that. when we were connected last time, i heard you. i didn't feel you, i didn't know your thoughts or your thinking but i heard." el explained, "but i feel hers. i know hers."

"you're connected to a snake you met in the alley?" mike asked as coco hissed at him.

"she didn't meet me, she chose me." el emphasised and coco leaned against her arm again.

"a snake chose you?"

"you're asking too many questions here," she tapped her wrist and coco disappeared into it before el grabbed her bag off of the floor and stood up from the concrete ground behind the school.

"point is, i have a snake now," she said as mike stood up, "okay, but why?"

"i mean, why not?" el asked back as he opened the back door for her to walk back into the school.

"i know... but why?"

"yeah.. but why not?" she asked and he groaned out loud. "okay, you have a snake that chose and can speak to you. i— i don't even fucking know what's going on anymore!"

"you sound like me in every single subject," el laughed with a quiet giggle.

"what class do you have now?" he asked and she shrugged and went to think, "math or something. i'll skip in the library."

"i'll go with you then," he said and held her hand as she smiled and nodded.

as they walked down the hall, mike sucked in a sharp breath and el turned, "what is it?"

"i think your snake is wrapping around my goddamn arm," he gritted through his teeth and she looked down.

"coco," el scolded, "get in there. get off his arm, he's a pussy," she felt the need to throw and insult in which made mike roll his eyes.

coco curled back around el's hand then dipped herself into el's wrist.

"that shit is scary, is that even possible?" mike asked but el shrugged, "i don't know. what's not at this point?" she leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed.

"you should get a cat," el spoke up.

"why me?" he held open the library doors for her and she walked in.

"because i want one but i don't wanna take care of it and if you have a cat then i can go over everyday just to play with it. it can be a puppy as well!" el exclaimed with the widest smile as they went to a free room.

"no, thank you. i don't wanna pick up shit and piss."he said and she frowned, "alright," she dropped her bag to the ground then tapped her wrist, "come out coco, lay on the desk."

coco obeyed and slithered out onto the desk and curled up just as mike and el laid down on the couch and cuddled together.

mike laid on top of el, careful not to hurt her and her fingers tangled into his curls with the soft expression he adored.

"you're pretty," he kissed her nose and she took that opportunity to lick his chin.

"piss off, i was complimenting you," he mumbled and moved away.

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