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"you're seriously dying the dress black?" mike asked through the phone as el set it up by her desk on facetime.

she nodded. "does it not look good?" she pointed to the tub with her dress in it.

"i can barely see it, dove."

"yeah well you better need glasses," she commented and shook her head as she sat down on the desk.

"i do wear glasses." he pointed out.

"not in front of me, you don't." she scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"it says to leave it for like an hour," she continued to herself before leaning down and moving the tub to the side so she won't knock it over or anything.

"out of curiosity, but are you wearing underwear and a low cut tank top in a house full of men?" he asked.

"yep." she answered without hesitation, "my doors locked anyways, it wouldn't matter. and it's not like my brothers would do anything."

"i know but, if your house got broken into then..."

"then i'd kill them, no biggie. and they are short shorts not underwear." she shrugged and grabbed her phone from the bed and allowed it to flow into her hands.

"what are you doing right now?" she asked and held her phone above her head as she laid down.

he grinned at the view and she was quick to catch on. "so you're busy eye fucking me?"

"definitely," he smirked and nodded before he shook his head, "nah, i'm waiting for my mom to come home. she's hanging with her friends."

"ah," el nodded, "i miss karen. how is she doing?"

"she's been good... better," he smiled out and she smiled with him, "that good to hear. i'll come by when i can to see her."

"she'll love that," he let out a small chuckle, "she really missed you."

el turned to lay on her side, "i missed her too." she murmured, "by the way, what are you wearing to the party? you better match me."

"a black tux... is that alright?" he asked her and she nodded, "it's more than alright,"

"el, want some dessert?" elliot knocked on the door, "it's crème brûlée."

el smiled and told mike, "give me a second," she set the phone down then went for the door.

unlocking it, she opened the door up to a small gap and saw elliot stood outside with the dessert in a hand and a tiny spoon.

"who made this?" she asked as he handed it to her with a big smile.

"i did. with ezra. we were going to cheer you up," he grinned as she quickly took a bite.

"how is it?" he asked quickly and she licked her lips, "very good." she told him then leaned forward to kiss his cheek, "and i don't need cheering anyways, perhaps you should check on mama who has been wailing nonstop for the past few nights. and they weren't good wails, i could hear my name from down the hall with insults following."

"well you did—"

she cut him off with a shush, "i did no such thing. thank you for the dessert." she then shut the door with a little wave before she laid back down on the bed.

"want some?" el teased and showed mike the dessert in her hands.

"fuck off,"

"but you like me so much! how could i ever!?" she exclaimed with sarcasm dripping off her tongue.

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