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el sat on her bed, criss crossed and stared at the fake cupcake in front of herself.

her eyes closed and she let out a small smile, "you made it to 18," she opened her eyes and placed the small plush that was the size of her palm into her drawer and leaned back against the headboard.

she sighed and was about to lay down on her bed until she heard her phone buzz from the nightstand.

mike: dove, i got a surprise for you, come outside.

el: right now?

mike: yep

mike: be quick!

el got up and put on a a jacket over tank top and held onto her phone as she exited her room and walked downstairs.

with a yawn, she opened the front door and walked down the driveway to see his car by the end.

a smile broke out on her lips seeing him there holding a bouquet in hand and the back of his trunk opened with something she couldn't quite see with some balloons floating by the side of the car.

his arms opened and she rushed towards him and embraced him into a hug.

"happy birthday, my little dove," he kissed her hair and handed her the bouquet, "since you hate flowers, i got you these lego ones and these paper ones i made myself,"

her hand covered her mouth before she grabbed it and leaned in to kiss him.

"you could've waited till morning," she whispered but he shook his head, "i wanted to be the first one who wished you a happy birthday," he then showed her what was in the trunk.

"i got you some cupcakes since you love them. some snacks and your favourite book series in special addition," he told her which only made her cling onto him tighter.

"i love you, thank you for this." she smiled and went to look at the books, "they're so pretty! oh my god, my favourite oreos," she hugged the objects and then went to hug the balloon.

"happy 18th," he hugged her from behind and she leaned back, "you make me so happy," she then smiled at the flowers, "never knew you were crafty."

"i'm not." he simply stated, "they took me fucking forever," he grumbled which made her laugh and stand up straighter.

she turned around and tapped his nose, "can you help me bring these into the house?" she asked, "and you better stay the night with me."

"if you can sneak me in and out then yes." he agreed and brought the stuff in the trunk into his hands and she went to grab the balloons.

she held the door open for him and he walked through before she led him upstairs.

she entered her room with him following and he set everything on her desk and she set the bouquet down by it before she tackled him into a hug and dragged him down to her bed.

"i love you," she murmured and laid on top of his before kissing his jaw, "boop!" she tapped his nose and he covered her face with his large hand, "piss. off."

"it's my birthday!" she exclaimed, "don't be so mean to me," she pouted and he removed his hand.

he leaned forward to kiss her forehead the pulled her up till she was sitting up straight and was straddling his lap.

"your face is really soft," he rubbed her face as she smiled, "skin care is very important." she nodded which made him grin.

"el! el, you in there?" a knock came from the door and el looked up in time to see the door open to a small gap.

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