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"oh my god," el breathed as she sat on the couch of mike's living room and stared at the tv.

mike walked in, noticing her expression, "what is it, dove?" he sat down next to her and she turned up the tv.

"after the explosion at the brenner's corporate yesterday, it has now been reported that there are 61 injured and 4 dead." the reporter said, "the injured included mr and mrs brenner who has been sent to the hospital,"

"wait what?" el asked in shock. they weren't supposed to be there.

"unfortunately, a little girl along with her mother passed due to this unfortunate event," two pictures shown on the screen and el almost passed out, "the mother was reportedly supposed to be on sick leave but considering her love for the job, she came back to grab a file she left behind."

"her daughter, daisy allen was a daughter of the single mother and was only 4 years old." the reporter said as el gasped inaudibly and covered her mouth.

"el, you said there was an escape at the building when the first bomb went off. that they could have got out in time," mike said as el teared up and nodded.

"there is! i made sure when i read the blueprints, they could have gone," she sobbed and covered her face, "oh, i fucked up. oh my god," she cried as he held her close for her to cry on his shoulder.

"i told them not to come in, but it's my fucking fault." el cried, "i need to figure why they couldn't leave, oh my god," el stood up and grabbed her phone just as it rang.

"emilio?" she asked into the phone shakily.

"it was you... wasn't it?"

"i didn't mean to!" she cried and covered her face, "i just wanted to ruin their legacy. i didn't want to kill all those people, i gave them a warning and made sure that they could get out but i don't know why they couldn't!" she sobbed loudly as she stood up and walked away.

"emilio, please," she whispered, "i'm sorry, please help me. please," she hit her forehead on the wall, "i fucked up,"

"i'll figure it out..." he mumbled, "but if mom and dad find out.."

"i don't fucking care about them!" she screamed, "i killed and hurt 65 people and possibly more!" she continued, "and i killed daisy. i killed a four fucking year old!"

"you should have thought about that when you decided to blow the building up and down into the ground, el." he scolded, "you should have thought of the consequences! you have always been reckless and that is fine but it is not when you kill innocents!"

"i know!" she shouted, "... please don't turn me in. even if you do, leave mike out of it." she exhaled.

"el, i—"

"goodbye, emilio," she exhaled as she calmed down, "i love you,"

"i love you too, el," he breathed out, "do you want to talk to anyone? everyone is here, we're home."

"is emerson back?" el asked quietly and he didn't respond for a few seconds.


"i need to speak with him. put him on the phone," she requested.

he exhaled shakily, "i love you," he said before he handed the phone over.

el waited. she waited a couple of seconds with a tiny sniffle before a voice came through.

"you knew," el said, "you fucking knew i wasn't your sister from the start, is that right? and don't you dare lie to me,"

"i did."

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