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"oh fucking hell!" el screamed as mike rushed out of his bathroom, "what!?"

"nothing," she mumbled and huffed before pulling up her knee high leather boots.

"el, don't hold it in then blow it all over me later. tell me why you're so pissed," he said and she exhaled and rolled her eyes, "my parents just flew in this morning. let's fucking hope they're not going to the office today."

"hey, we can blow them up as well," he joked and she gave him a look, "thats murder." she said and stood up to give herself a final look in the mirror mike got for his desk just for el to use.

"and i want them dead," he said honestly as she smiled with a little chuckle, "like my outfit?" she asked him and he looked her up and down and could only nod.

he walked closer to her, grabbing her waist to turn her around and to pull her back closer to his chest.

at the sudden action, she gasped and leaned her head back, "stop, karen is downstairs," she mumbled as his hand trailed down her side and roamed her exposed thigh.

"no, she's out, i heard her leave this morning," he muttered into her ear and she smirked, "okay,"

that was all he needed to hear before he pulled her towards the bed and turned them around to push her down onto the bed to make her lay on her back.

she went to lean up to kiss him desperately with annoyance filling her knowing that smirk on his face meant something.

pushing her back down, he hushed her and ran his thumb over her lips, "patience, dove."

"just shut the fuck up and fucking fuck me," she glared at him and went to reach for his sweatpants but he grabbed her wrist and scowled, "el,"

"this is your fault," she scoffed, "you made me this..." she trailed off and didn't finish her sentence.

"go on, el, finish that sentence for me," he taunted and she rolled her eyes and hit the back of her head down on the pillow, "it's your fault i'm horny, now fucking fuck me, please," she could feel herself pooling in her panties.

he smirked, "only because you said please," he loved it when that word escaped her lips. he loved how only he heard it from her.

he leaned it to kiss her lips slowly, teasing her and holding her down as she squirmed in his grasp and whined out.

his wet kisses trailed down from her lips to her jaw, down her neck and her chest till he was met with her tank top.

he scrunched it up, licking his way down and peppered two, three kisses around her nipple. her hand went to grasp onto his curls, her back arched in desperation for more but he only continued his way down.

her eyes shut, her mouth opened a bit as he squeezed onto her hip and flipped up her short skirt.

"oh, dove, you're pooling," he taunted her and ran a finger up her fabric covered slit.

the contact made a small gasp like whine escape her, "please," she practically begged, "mike, just touch me,"

he grinned at the reaction he got from her then bit down around the strap of her underwear and began to tug it down.

once he pulled the underwear off of her, he leaned back, admiring her for a second and could only lick his lip, not believing the sight in front of him.

"so wet for me, baby," he murmured and ran a finger up her slit.

she moaned when his finger slowly circled her clit, drawing the slowest circles he ever provided but somehow from the smallest touch, she was already drowning in pleasure.

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