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"fucking hell," el threw something across the warehouse they were in as mike watched.

"alright calm down," mike told her as she kicked a table, "i'm very very calm!"

"are you?" he asked as she came back over to him and fell down onto his lap in exhaustion since he was sitting on the ground.

"don't be a little shit," she mumbled, "you'd be pissed if you couldn't even build a bomb right."

he shook his head, looking down at her, "you're just too stressed to think at the moment."

"am not!"

"yes, you are. and you are all the damn time. one moment you are sad, the next you're playing dress up and then you're throwing things out my window. i am really wondering if you have bipolar or a personality disorder thing," he said to her as she crossed her arms and looked away, "i did not throw things out your window," she kept on denying.

"you did. and i had to go and pick it up because i can't move things with my mind," he said.

"well i don't like to be sad all the time, thats bullshit," she grumbled and tugged on his sweater with a little smile.

"i know you don't—"

"yeah so dressing up is what masks it. like 90 percent of me is always sad and dressing up and feeling confident washes those feelings away. especially when i'm with you." she said honestly, "like if you weren't there, i'd sit there alone and i'd get all sad again. the confidence and happiness doesn't last unless you're there."

she then rolled over and groaned, "that's enough of me being honest and time for me to continue this," she stood up and walked over to the desk before sitting down.

her eyes closed and her hands twist over each other as her middle, index and thumbs form a triangle that pointed towards the stuff she needed to form into what she needed.

mike stood up and walked over to her, "you're using the wrong formula, dove,"

"shut up, am not." she denied once again as he lowered her hands.

"don't force them together all in one. do it one by one," he said in a gentle tone as she exhaled and used a finger to make one of the objects float up.

"so i'll..." she holds it with a hand in the air and used the other to lift up something else to force it both together.

he smiles, "yeah,"

a smirk appeared on her face as she continued to do so and she carefully finished up the last piece by placing in two cables.

"no we need to connect these and set a timer to test it." she muttered and quickly did so with her powers so she wouldn't need to use her fingers to carefully set the cables together.

"it should connect to this button that starts the timer," she lifted something up and into her hands before she set the ticking time bomb into a box and made it float outside.

"i didn't make the explosion big." she informed and pressed on the button to start the clock.

"yeah i hope you didn't. you mixed up red and blue last time." mike held her hand as they walked which made her scoff.

"it was an accident! i was feeling dizzy and just wanted to get the game over with," she said in annoyance as he held her face and gave her a kiss, "i know. just teasing, love,"

she frowned playfully and walked outside, "so... it should blow up in a couple of seconds."

"yeah, i got that," he muttered and she crossed her arms and leaned against his side.

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