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she moved her hair out of the way as she stared at herself in the mirror two mornings after. still needing to sleep a certain way considering how bad her head hurt.

now that her brothers knew, she didn't have the courage to walk out of her room to see their pained faces.

all she wished for was for them to never know. to never know that the mother they loved went this far.

normally the abuse was just mental. she was honestly glad she stopped trying to please them years ago.

"mama!" el ran into the house first holding her spelling bee in hand, "mama look!" she ran to their office, knowing they would probably be there.

"what are you doing in here!? i have told you countless of times you cannot be in here!" her mother screamed and stood up from her desk.

el frowned and held up the paper, "i got the best spelling bee score..."

her mother ignored her and watched as eli ran in after her.

"mommy!" he smiled and she quickly smiled, walking past el to hug eli.

she grabbed the paper from eli and smiled proudly, "my smart boy!" she picked him up and kissed his face, "only one wrong!"

he laughed and hugged onto her.

el looked down to the ground and took that as a sign to leave.

"shut the door behind you, eleanor." her mother said and el nodded sadly and shut the door as she exited with the paper in hand.

she stared at the paper with the golden star sticker in the corner as tears brimmed in her eyes. her hands fist up and the paper crumbled before she peeled it into small pieces and threw it away in the trash.

el sighed as she stared at herself in the mirror, running a hand down her face.

she took a breath. she needed to suck it up and not let them shove her down over and over again.

it was hard for her to do so, to keep such a mindset but she would try. she would try for them.

all of them.

all she loved.

she changed into a tight black tank top with a skeleton design on it with a plaid skirt and some ripped tights.

she took the front strands of hair then braided the two strands before she tied them back with some baby strands loose in the front.

she did her makeup quickly, not bothering on much but only on some highlights and her favourite... eyeliner.

she did her lips quickly then put on some mascara before she grabbed her bag and put on some knee high platforms.

if they hated it, then she would wear it.

"el," eli smiled widely from outside and embraced her in the tightest hug.

he then looked her up and down, "are you wearing a.. a bra?" his head tilted in confusion.

"no, it's a tank top." she told him and walked downstairs, "i'm going to school first, i'll meet you there."

"ahh.. thank top," eli nodded to himself as he let the new word drown into his mind.

"el?" emilio asked in happiness and she turned and gave him a smile before she walked out the door.

she turned on her motorcycle and placed her helmet on before she climbed on and made sure her long hair wasn't in the way and she then made her way to school.

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