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el laid on her bed, curled up together in her blanket as she faced on one side only. it was now possibly the evening or so, she skipped school then took a nap so she didn't have much of an idea.

she hasn't eaten either... since yesterday afternoon when she only ate not even half a mini sandwich.

"el," eli walked in with only a quick nod that she couldn't even register.

she quickly wiped her tears since she was facing the other side.

"el?" he now asked and she hummed, "i'm so tired, yeah?"

"you skipped school, how are you tired?" he asked and sat down beside her, "want to see my pirouette?"

she nodded, still not facing him, "yep."

"why won't you face me?" he asked, "what's wrong?" he goes to turn her to face him.

she wipes her face, "nothing is wrong—"

"why are you crying?" he asked slowly and she shook her head, "period."

"but you had your period two weeks ago..?" he asked her, remembering how she told him.

"are you challenging someone who does have their period?" she asked him and he was quick to shake his head, "want a hot coco then? or uh..."

"i'm okay. just a little tired and emotional." she told him and he nodded, "well then i don't want to bother you since you're tired. want a wombmate hug?" he asked.

she nodded, "yes please."

he leaned forward and embraced her in a tight hug before nuzzling his shoulder into the crook of her beg. "love you," he mumbled into her covers.

she played with his hair, "love you too."

he pulled back and kissed her cheek with a little laugh, "i won't bother anymore then. i'll go find someone else to annoy."

she nodded.

"stop crying." eli cupped her face, "when you cry. i cry."

"same brain..?" she asked and he nodded, "yep. it makes my little heart hurt."

she forced a real smile, "i won't cry again. i won't." i mean, she'll try.

"good." he nodded at her then got off the bed with a grin, "i love you, bye!" he waved and headed for the door.

she waved back tiredly and he stopped once he opened the door. "el, we have talked about it. the i love you's need to be returned regardless of the situation. we're kidnapped, we're half dead, i love you's."

she let out a small laugh, "i love you, eli. okay?"

he nodded, "good. very good." he then smiled and helped her shut the door before shouting, "ezra! big brother!"

"i'm older by a year." ezra rolled his eyes as he walked past.

eli frowned. "what an ass."


mike waited outside of the doctors room, bouncing his leg up and down as he waited for his mother to come out from her check up.

most of the cancer was treated but there was still some within her. thankfully, they haven't spread to the heart or other parts of her body.

he wasn't on his phone, he wasn't doing anything, just looking down that hall and waiting for his mother to appear.

once she did, he smiled widely and stood up to go and help her, "hey ma," he kissed her temple, "everything good? what did the doctor say?"

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