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mike stood above the two coffins in the ground, dropping down the roses on top of eli's and the paper ones on top of el's.

it took ages to get the two siblings together in one spot.

emerson and emilio did everything they could to make it happen because their parents would not let.

they didn't even approve of their funeral being held together but all of them could have cared less.

"mike," karen placed a hand on his shoulder, "it's going to be okay,"

he took a deep breath, "it's not okay."


"i fucked it up," he exhaled, "i knew i shouldn't have messed it up. i just needed to fix a few things to the spell, i didn't know this would happen."

"michael, it's okay. people make mistakes." she told him.

he turned his head, "this was a mistake that should have never happened."

"you can't do anything about it now, mike. you need to accept this. you need to move on,"

"mom," he turned his head and faced the ground, "i can't,"

"then what do you want to do?" she asked him and he shut his eyes.

"i'm going to bring them back."

"bring them back?" she echoed. "mike, what—"

"mike," someone cut her off and he slowly turned to face emilio.

"a few more minutes only." emilio told him and he nodded, "i know."

karen turned to mike, "mike, i'm warning you. whatever you are going to do—"

"i fucked it up, i will fix it." he said sternly, "i will fix it."

"honey, you can't fix everything. that's just the sad truth," she whispered to him but he shook his head.

"too bad i can turn back the clock," he muttered and walked away from her.

"michael!" she shouted after him but he had already headed down the path.

stopping at the exit of the cemetery, he looked up to the sky.

"i'll always come back to you, my little dove. that's a promise." he smiled softly before he felt a breeze on his cheek.

"i love you too," he whispered before continuing his way down the street.



i never wrote a sequel and i never thought i would because i fucking hate it but i feel like the way this story went needed one.

and of course, there's too much that hasn't been explained yet.

thank you for reading this and the sequel will be coming soon... after i think of a mother fucking name.

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