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el sat at the corner of her bed with her knees to her chest. a hand wrapped around her knee as the other continued to rub the part of the head that hurt so badly, though it was the end of the week.

she couldn't stop crying, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't stop taking her medication to help soothe it all.

she barely left her room, but when she did, it was only for school.

that was the best part.

she loved when she went to school and put on the happiest smile. she loved to fake excitement and act happier than ever when every night, she cried herself to sleep and couldn't even make herself want to wake up the next day.

she honestly deserved a reward for it.

el didn't know much longer she could hold on.

she really needed to go to the hospital for her wounds.

eli knocked on her door, "sissy, let's go."

she rubbed her eyes and wiped her tears. she stood up with her oversized shirt and quickly put on a random skirt before she grabbed her bag and put on some shoes.

her brothers didn't notice at all.

once the door opened and she saw eli outside, she forced a smile then walked past him.

"morning," eli tried to grab her attention and she gently responded back, "morning.."

her vision blurs for a quick second and she tightly gripped onto the metal railing to catch her breath.

"you alright?" eli caught onto her arm and el nodded and lied, "yeah.. just periods. you don't want to know."

he then shut up and nodded, "right,"

emilio exited the dining room with a piece of bread in hand then smiled seeing el.

"little sissy!" he grinned and opened his arms to hug her and slowly, she walked and gave a weak hug, "i'm going to school. love you," she kissed his cheek.

"man, alright. fuck, i completely forgot, i was gonna suggest a movie day." he mumbled and she forced a small smile, "maybe another day, emilio."

she headed for the door and exited and emilio looked towards eli. "what's up with her?"

"she said periods. maybe it's why she was so off this week," eli said and headed for the door, "you know ladies and their stuffies."

"i don't know and i don't want to know," emilio said to him and eli gave a mocking face before he shut the front door and headed for his car where el was waiting.


"you need to stop skipping," mike said as he slammed the back door of the school opened and saw el sitting down on the ground, "you left me in there alone!"

"sorry," she mumbled, "i wanted to be alone."

he sat down besides her and noticed how she rolled down her sleeves and skirt a bit and looked away from him.

without a word, he dug through his bag and pulled out all the bandages he could find along with some rubbing alcohol and cotton.

"why do you have that?" she asked him quietly but he only shrugged in response and motioned for her to hold out her arm.

she gave him a hesitated look and he raised his eyebrows and urged her.

slowly, the sleeve of her jacket rolled up and the fresh red cuts reveal to him. he dabbed some alcohol onto her cut, cleaning out the wound as she quietly winced and stared at her arm.

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