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el awoke to nothing but light. her eyebrows furrowed at the atmosphere around here and she had no idea where she was.

"oh, you're awake. thank goodness," eli breathed, snapping her out of her day dream.

she turned, and without a second thought, her mouth answered for her.

"even a speeding car won't kill me, what else could i do?" she lightly joked and he leaned forward and rested his forehead towards hers.

"i'm so glad you're okay," he kissed her cheek and pulled back, "i'm so glad."

"yeah?" she mumbled and he nodded and stroked her face, "does it hurt anywhere?"

she shook her head and lied, "no.. no everything is fine." everything was far from fine.

she felt different. it was like, she felt a sort of deja vu but also at that moment, she felt like she should be waiting for something.

the memories of her on that highway hit her like a truck and eli must have noticed when he handed her a glass of water.

"you're okay now," he told her but a rush of shame rushed through her.

how could she even fail at a task like that?

"you're okay, hey," he held her hand and caressed it but it wasn't his reassurance he wanted at that moment.

for the whole day, she pretended she was okay within their hold. within, emilio, emerson and the others.

she didn't care that her parents came in.

she didn't care about any of that because she was more focused on the door and waiting for who she wanted to see to come in.

but he didn't.

"eli," el whispered late at night as he sat up straighter on his chair and opened his eyes with a yawn, "yes? el, what's wrong?"

she held out her hand tiredly and he quickly took it and moved forward.

"why don't you go home tomorrow, you're tired." she told him quietly.

he shook his head, "no, i need to stay here with you,"


"i'm staying." he said sternly and she exhaled tiredly but nodded.

"eli, i love you." she told him and then glanced at the door again, "to bits."

"i love you too," he smiled at her then caressed her hair, "get some sleep, okay?"

she nodded as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek, "goodnight, wombmate."

her voice cracked as she forced out the most genuine smile. "goodnight, eli."


"he's not going to come," el's voice cracked as she spoke to herself.

she held her heart to calm down her breathing when she saw eli stir on the chair and she turned to her side for her eyes to land on the glass of water on the nightstand.

just as she was about to reach for it, the door opened and she quickly snapped her head up.

her heart sunk at the sight of emilio instead and el glanced over at eli to tell him to be quiet.

emilio walked over to eli, gentle tapping him on the shoulder to wake him up. "eli, wake up, brother. time for you to go home and get some rest,"

eli stirred and shook his head, "no, i'll stay with el."

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