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mike honestly have not hated and loved someone so much at the same time.

well not love.. like super like.

the point was, mike did not know where this tolerance was growing from.

he was afraid if el stayed in her mind for too long, she would really be gone for real and would never wake up again.

he wanted to yell for her to wake up so he could spend time with her.. but that seemed selfish of him.

he knew where she was coming from, of course. her parents failed her. the world failed her.

and now, she just wants this peace and quiet she deserved back.

but god, did he want to slam her against the wall.

... if she heard this, she'd probably make a sex joke, mike thought.

he shook his head and sighed as he exited the elevator. it has been exactly 4 days since he talked to her in a way and it had never happened again since.

probably because el wasn't allowing him to.

what a bitch..

mike entered the room, then slammed the door shut behind him before he walked to sit on a chair.

"alright shithead, wakey wakey," he held her hand and caressed it softly though his tone was anything but soft.

he just wanted used to being all mushy and sad about something.

"i really need you to wake up for me," he told her, "i need you to wake up. i miss you, and i fucking need someone to be bitchie with in class."

"guys being bitchie themselves is a crime apparently. i feel people being shameful towards me. like their homophobic.. but like bitchophobic." he added with a little snort before leaning back into his seat.

he continued to caress the back of her hand, he continued to smile gently and did his same routine when eli or someone else wasn't here.

he sat there and talked. he sat there and waited.

he waited and waited as if she was there talking back to him or just listening when she wasn't.

perhaps she was listening but he had no way to be sure anyways.

he only wished she was and that was enough.


"and then, the motherfucker had the goddamn audacity to tell me to be prepared. like bitch, you are the fucking doctor treating my mother, who by the way is almost cured so i don't know what drugs he's on but he needs to get whatever the fuck is going on with him checked," mike continued to tell his stores to el like he used to.

he rolled his eyes, "i'm changing fucking doctors, i don't trust this man to treat my mother," he took a sip out of his cup of water and swallowed.

"oh! i forgot to tell you, little dove," he said and hooked his fingers with hers, "i saw this dog the other day, would not stop following me. it's a samoyed by the way, you would've loved it. i literally could've imagine you hugging it and having your head disappear in its fur but anyways... it was following me and then—" he felt a gentle squeeze on his hand and then cut himself off with a pause.

he freezed and looks at el by leaning closer. "el?"

he saw her eyes flutter but still with her eyes closed and he gently stroked her cheek, "hey, dove, can you hear me?" he murmured as he saw how her eyes moved around but just wouldn't peel open.

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