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"oi! move your truck!" elijah shouted at emerson as eli groaned, "emerson! i need to go see el, move it!"

"i'm coming, just hold on a sec!" emerson shouted from the stairs and eli waited below them till he ran down and outside.

they had everything and a round driveway, they did. but with the amount of cars, some often gets parked in.

"i wanted to park aside but moms giant ugly car was blocking the way," emerson mumbled and got into his truck, "i'm off anyways, eli call me when you get there."

"got it," eli nodded and got into his car as well, "by elijah!" he waved and drove off behind emerson.

he soon arrived at the hospital and parked in the parking lot before he made his way in.

the way to the elevators were familiar now and once he made it inside, it didn't take long for him to arrive at the level he needed to be. 

he walked towards her room like usual then he opened up the door.

but what he didn't expect to see was el laying on her side awake but still with an oxygen tube through her nose.

the door slams shut behind and he couldn't even comprehend what was going on. he was shocked.

she looked up slowly at him, not able to move at all then forced a very weak smile.

and he knew it was forced.

"hi.." she rasped out. it was clear this was the first time she had talked since she woke up.

"hi.." he echoed back with a gentle smile then walked closer to the bed.

he sat down on the chair then grabbed her hand, "oh, you're awake. thank goodness," he breathed.

"even a speeding car won't kill me, what else could i do?" she lightly joked and he leaned forward and rested his forehead towards hers.

"i'm so glad you're okay," he kissed her cheek and pulled back, "i'm so glad."

"yeah?" she mumbled and he nodded and stroked her face, "does it hurt anywhere?"

she shook her head and lied, "no.. no everything is fine." everything was far from fine.

el had no idea what she was feeling at the moment but she felt something.

she felt ashamed. she felt ashamed on how and why she was still laying here.

how she woke up.. she didn't remember anything from the coma, but she wished she did. she wanted to know what the hell she was thinking to make such decision because she wanted to turn back the clock.

"good, that's good," he then looked up and down the bed to find the button to lift the top half of her body up so she could sit up. "here, you can sit up."

"mom and dad are pissed, aren't they?" el asked, "how are you even here?"

"what do you mean?" he asked, referring to her second question because he knew that she knew the answer to the first.

"how are you here visiting me? i assumed i wouldn't even have a funeral because i knew they wouldn't let you guys go." she said as her eyes stayed strictly stuck on the sheets in front of her.

"i don't care. you're my sister. something happens and i will be there, no matter what it is." he said to her but she didn't answer and instead turned her head a bit to the opposite direction of him and noticed how she had her personal bathroom.

"el, can i ask you something?" eli mumbled and el nodded slowly.

"are you—"

"EL!" emilio slammed the door open and everyone ran right in.

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