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"eli, get off that seat. let's go, hon," terry cooed and tried to grab his wrist but he shook it off and continued to rest both of his elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward and covered his ears.

"eli," martin warned. "stop being a baby about it and stop making a scene in the goddamn hospital!" he scolded quietly so no one would hear.

"back off from eli." elijah stepped in, literally, and then sat down next to him.

"tell your little brother to get in the car." terry said, "stop crying—"

"my sister is half dead!" eli shouted and looked up as his hands lowered a bit.

"she is laying in that hospital room half fucking dead BECAUSE OF YOU!" eli screamed as elijah grabbed his arm lightly.

"no, don't touch me! don't fucking touch me!" eli stood and moved away from him, "why'd you do that to her!? why did you push her!?" eli walked nearer to his mother in anger as she backed away.

she has never seen him this hurt and angry.

"you're the one who pushed her out on that fucking highway and you know it. you goddamn know it!" eli continued, "and my sister is going to fucking die! she's going to die because of you.. are you happy now? are you fucking happy?" he asked with a tear stained face.

"leave." eli told them quietly, "you're not welcomed here."

"eli—" her mother started but eli walked away and sat down the ground away from them and bent his knees up to his chest before looking away.

emerson walked over to him and sat down besides him before he gently pulled eli's head down to his shoulder.

elijah looked up to meet his parents eyes before he made the decision to stand and to go sit with emilio instead.

elliot and ezra sat by themselves on the floor and chair somewhere not even caring at the fact that eli just yelled at his parents in a public space.

emerson quietly murmured things to eli as he just laid there, he didn't even have the strength to continue to cry.

"el's going to be okay," emerson reassured him but eli simply shook his head. "we were supposed to be together forever."

he held two fingers out from separate hands and then placed them together before he hooked it together, "wombmates forever."

"i know," emerson gently whispered as eli covered his face, "i just wish she would come back. i want her to come back,"

"she will, eli. i promise you, she will... and when she does, you're going to tell her about all the fun things we did, aren't we?" emerson asked quietly.

"i rather do it with her."

"and we will. of course we will." emerson smiled, "but we have to wait for her to get better first."

eli gently nodded and hid his face away into his older brothers neck, "i don't want mom and dad in her room."

"i'll get it sorted," emerson mumbled, "i promise."

eli simply nodded and continued to lean against his older brother. "sissy's going to be okay," he muttered to himself, "sissy's going to be okay," he muttered over and over again as emerson continued to stroke his back in a comforting way.


eli held her hand as she laid on that white hospital bed. his two hands wrapped around one of hers, gently caressing her fingers as he brought them to his lips.

he didn't care if her face had cuts and wounds, if her lip was busted and was still bleeding. he didn't care about the bruises all over her body, her fractured wrist that was already really weak from her last injuries.

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