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"oh my god, are you smoking in the house!?" elijah exclaimed as el came out from the hall that connected to the far wing, "put it out before mom and dad sees you,"

"yeah, nah," she said and walked past him and up the stairs.

"did you hear we were hosting a party this weekend? as in every petty rich person we met would be here." elijah followed her as she took a hit of her cigarette, "mhm,"

"you're going to run from home..?"

"nah," el said, "i feel like getting revenge." a smirk overtook her face and he held her shoulders, "hell the fuck no, i don't mind you getting revenge on him but not then."

she used her fingers and pushed him away which made him hit the wall. then, she used her fingers to soften the hit and then gave him a look, "he assaulted me. it's about time i taught him a fucking lesson after mama and papa made me drop it."

"i know," his jaw clenched and she crossed her arm, "if he can't go to jail for raping me then i can have a little fun when he arrives."

he walked closer to her, "just—"

"don't say protect myself. i can read it in you mind."

"okay," he nodded, "then come to me if anything does happen."

she placed the cigarette between his lips then walked away, "if anything does happen, it'll have nothing to do with me." she walked into her room and sat down by her vanity.

she grabbed her lipgloss and applied it to her lips before she clipped half off her hair up.

she grabbed a lighter and lit up a candle with a small smirk before she stared at the light.

"el?" emerson asked as she dropped the lighter and looked up from the mirror, "yeah?"

she watched him come in from the mirror and bring in a long silver dress, "mom told me to bring it to you."

her face scrunched up, "ew, it's silver." but that meant she get to have fun with it.

"put it in my closet." she said and he nodded, "do whatever with it but don't tear it. it was expensive."

"yeah, whatever," she mumbled and stood up before using her powers to bring up her phone from the bed and into her hands.

"if mom sees you using your powers—"

"fuck her, i can do whatever the fuck i please," she scoffed and walked past him, "want anything from the kitchen?"

"get me an orange juice," he said and she nodded and walked downstairs.

walking towards the kitchen, she went to the fridge and searched through it before she huffed out.

she slammed it right shut and to open the top cabinets to find some alcohol. pulling out a bottle of vodka, she took some lemonade and mixed it together before she gulped it down.

"what the fuck are you doing with my alcohol?" martin stormed into the kitchen and el didn't even look up as she took another gulp.

"is it yours? did you make it? i never knew," she responded with a light smirk.

"you little brat," he raised a hand but she looked up in a spilt second with a hardened glare and his hand stopped midair.

she slowly turned and raised her eyebrows as she met his gaze, "mama's a better hitter." she went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orange juice before she exited the kitchen.

"you fucking brat!" he shouted and she finally let his hand back down.

she walked back upstairs and shouted for emerson, "grab your shitty drink, i'm going out!"

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