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"morning, dove," mike grabbed el's hand as they met each other outside of the school and walked in together.

"morning, cupcake," she whispered to him as they walked side by side down the hall.

he caressed her hand and pulled her closer, "i missed you so much last night."

she only smirked in response and swayed their arms a bit as they walked towards to their first period together.

"did you didn't miss me?" he asked her as they walked to the back.

"nope," she said and sat down before resting her feet on the desk with one over the other, "not at all."

"fuck you," he spat and she turned to smile innocently, "when?"

he rolled his eyes as she placed a hand on his thigh and leaned down to his shoulder. "would you go somewhere with me after school?"

"where?" he asked, "i'll go, but where?"

"you'll see," she smiled and kissed the shell of his ear as he leaned his head down to the top of hers.

"why are you so ugly?" el wondered out loud, "not like ugly ugly but like—"

"you're saying i have flaws," he helped her and she nodded, "yes, kind of. i mean, you're practically perfect but at the same time, you're ugly because i do not believe there is someone as perfect."

"aw, you practically insulted me but that's so sweet of you," he smiled in which she laughed at.

"stop being sarcastic,"

"like you aren't," he shot back with raised eyebrows.

she did the same expression back then they both bursted out in laughter.

"that's true," she said through her giggles, "i am very sarcastic,"

"and dramatic," he added and expected a slap in return but she only nodded and agreed, "but each time, i had every right to be,"

"that is very very true," he chuckled under his breath as she pulled out a pocket knife.

"tic tac toe?" she murmured and tapped the blade on the wooden table.

"of course, dove," he smiled as she started to carve.


el held mike's hand with her left one and held the (what they both considered stinky) bouquet of flowers with her right.

"so why are we at a graveyard again?" mike asked but el didn't reply and simply pulled him into the graveyard.

"hey, watch your feet," she warned and he quickly jumped back onto the path and bowed, "i am so sorry, so sorry," he apologised to a gravestone and continued to follow el.

once she stopped by a stone, he watched her kneel down and set the flowers down before using her sleeve to wipe the stone.

"becky ives.." he read out quietly and she smiled sadly, "it's my real mother. i rarely visit because i'm not allowed to but i still do.. she was still my aunt,"

he nodded understandingly and watched as she held a hand above the soil.

"can you bring back the dead?" she asked all of a sudden and he shook his head, "i wish i could.."

"i can still feel her pain," el told him, "is that weird? i don't know but i just can,"

he kneeled down with her, "you wanted to see what happened right?"

"yeah, but i can't," her voice cracked, "i can't because she's gone. and im starting to think my mother killed her even though it makes no sense for her to do so!"

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