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mike watched as el entered the classroom. she looked—with as much respect as he could—awful.

her eyes were dark, clearly tried to be covered by dark eyeshadow but he could clearly see her dark eye bags.

she wore a long black shirt that was oversized with a dark purple plaid mini skirt that was barely seen with that shirt she wore.

as her eyes caught his, she walked straight to the back and sat besides him.

he was confused, normally she sat in front of him.

half of her hair was clipped back with a clip with some from the strands still covering her face.

"should i dye my hair?" she asked him, "my parents would never approve but if i were to, what colour should i dye it?"

"red.. silver.." he listed out for her.

"i was thinking ocean blue but those seem great as well," she smiled out before taking out her journal.

"what happened?" he asked her.

no one would've noticed how off she was but she was.

she turned to him. "read my mind and find out," she then turned back to face the front which made him smirk out.

and he did. he just couldn't read much considering how she shielded out the context.

'what happened at the rich rich party?' he used the same name she used which made her cover her mouth and snort out.

'rich assholes,' she simply replied, 'my mother included.'

"we're going to work in pairs for the upcoming project, it'll be your table partners so tough if you didn't sit by who you wanted to work with. no changing partners," the teacher spoke out which made mike and el turn and look towards each other.

"have you been listening?" she asked him.

"what subject are we even in?" he asked back which made her smile out.

"no idea," she held her hand out, "hi partner,"

he shook her hand, "hi partner,"


"can't we go to your house?" el wondered but mike shrugged. "let's just go to the library,"

she nodded, "i have to go at like 4 though, my brother is picking me up."

"which one," he mumbled out as she gave him a look, "my favourite."

"you have a favourite?"

"yeah and i ain't gonna hide it. they all know it," she said and opened the doors to the library, "but my oldest loves me most so i guess he is also my fav."

"what's it like living as the only girl?" he asked as they sit down at en empty table.

she stilled for a second then shrugged, "the worst."


she nodded, "yeah," she then took out her journal and changed the subject, "let's just get on with it now,"

"yeah, i would love to, really i do," he rubbed his face with a hand, "but i have no idea what the fuck is going on,"

"same," she smiled but then held up some journals, "which is my brothers journals come into use. i could only get ahold of three. eli's and elliots and ezra's. they might be a bit outdated but they both had our teacher."

"you don't know her name, do you," he smirked.

"and do you?" she asked back and he shook his head, "nah, didn't listen. i just raise my hand and ask her what the fuck is happening,"

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