chapter one • stas is back!

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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August Matthews
Monday, August 30th

First day of senior year! Fuck yeah!

I lock up my car before jogging up the steps of Maven Hale prep, fixing my tie after this morning, and walking through the large dark oak doors.

I see a head of super curly red hair by my locker, that's weird. I've barely talked to Aubrey for the last few years. We sort of parted ways when high school started, she wanted to focus on being a three-season athlete and star student whereas I wanted to focus more on girls and parties.

I know I sound like a douche and a manwhore. Both I am heavily aware I am but it has nothing with Aubrey specifically, we were attached at the hip throughout elementary school and most of middle school, per our promise but when we got to high school we just couldn't keep up with our lives and the promise.

Plus we'll probably never see her again anyway so why bother keeping a promise we don't have anyone to hold us to.

As I'm swerving through people to get to my locker a pair of sharp nude nails dig into my arm, "where are you going so fast this morning Auggie?" I turn to face her to see her already looking up at me with wide mischievous eyes and a wide smirk.

"Don't call me Auggie, and what do you want, Madison?" I huff, shaking her nails from their vice grip on my arm. I really want to get over to my locker to see what Aubrey wants and why she's reaching out all of a sudden, I mean not like I reached out a bunch over the years.

She bites her lower lip keeping the same expression in her eyes, "we could go for round two, homeroom doesn't start for another 15 minutes."

My eyebrows shoot up, was this girl serious? Not even an hour ago I was balls deep inside her in the back of my car. I'm usually not the guy to turn down round two, especially from a girl like Madison who knows to be quiet when I want her to be. But I need to get over to Aubrey, even for a minute.

"No can do Madison, got other plans." I shrug my shoulder and go to turn away before her fucking talons dig into my wrist again, "Is there another girl? It's the new chick isn't it?" New chick? A new chick means a new conquest and a very happy August.

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