chapter thirty three • ball drop

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don't forget to vote and comment! I love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment! I love you <3

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August Matthews
Friday, December 31st

The sleeping lump on my side groans and stretches her arms as far above her head as they can go before she sags back into me, "good morning. I don't want to get up yet." Her voice is muffled as she continues to dig herself into my body and escape the sun filtering through my windows.

Placing a kiss on her head I pull her in closer, "good morning. How are you feeling today." She started feeling better yesterday and through thorough research that involved a singular google search, concussions can last from 7-14 days so we made a doctor's appointment to get her checked out and see if she's better.

"Better than yesterday, but someone needs to turn the sun off." She groans.

We lie with each other in my bed for longer, me admiring the view of her and her admiring the view of pitch blackness against my body. I think I hear her drifting off to sleep when my phone starts pinging with a FaceTime.

Everyone else is on the call when I pick up, Jack and Aubrey are in a similar position to Stas and I, Trent's in his room with his shirt off, and Ridley is in hers, grinning at the camera, "guess what guys?" She asks the question but doesn't give us time to answer as she keeps talking, "so obviously my mom's the tennis coach, but that's mostly a PTA thing. My dad, however, is a music producer and he rents out a rooftop bar in New York City every year for New Year's Eve, and since I finally have friends to take with me, I'm inviting you guys. We just have to meet at my house at 6:30."

Her voice is bursting with excitement and the happiness on her face grows when Trent, Jack, and Aubrey say yes to her proposal before all attention returns to me.

"We are gonna have to go to the doctor today about Stas's concussion anyway, so no promises but I'll let you know later." I answer and her shoulders drop a little bit, Anastasiya shoves her thumb into the camera from her position buried against me, knocking my phone out of my hand.

She mumbles something unintelligible before digging herself further into me. Everyone else takes the hint and wraps up the facetime call, with Ridley saying she'll make sure what we're wearing works for the dress code. We say our goodbyes and I hang up tossing my phone onto the bed.

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