chapter thirty six • ballet

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3 p

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3
p.s. pls don't hate me today :(

 pls don't hate me today :(

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August Matthews
Tuesday, February 15th

School is fucking brutal today.

The heat in 90% of the classrooms is broken so everyone's wearing their coats over their uniforms because it's below freezing outside. But in the classrooms with heat, they are clearly overcompensating and you burn your balls off 5 minutes into the class.

The only room with a semi-normal temperature is the lunch room, and thank god I have lunch next period.

Our creative writing class is overcompensating, so when the bell rings, Stas and I bolt out of there like our pants are on fire, because they are. like my balls literally feel like they are falling off from the heat

Both of us make our way into the lunchroom, throwing down our stuff at the table and basking in the room's regular heat. The six of us pretty much eat our lunches in silence with a few jokes here and there but mostly just absorbing the normal heating and the good food.

At one point Aubrey and the girls head out to the bathroom, leaving just Me, Jack, and Trent sitting around our 8-person table.

Jack turns his attention away from Aubrey's retreating figure and faces Me and Trent, "You guys wanna come over to mine after school, I got the new Destiny game and I've been aching to play it."

"The Witch Queen?" Trent replies at the same time I say,

"I can't."

Yes, it's The Witch Queen, idiot. What other Destiny game came out recently." slapping Trent upside the head he turns his attention to me with a teasing tone, "C'mon Auggie, come over and play it with us."

"Gracie's got her first solo in a ballet recital, and someone has to be there to carry my mom crying tears of happiness from the theater."

"Fine, go be a good big brother instead of a good best friend." Jack fake pouts as the girls return to the table. Aubrey plops down right next to him and cradles into his side.

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