chapter fifteen • requited

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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August Matthews
Sunday, October 3rd

The pain in my head shoots through my body the second I wake up, and for those few blissful moments, I was ignorant. But then last night's events were thrown into the forefront of my mind and I ran a hand down my face with a groan.

Me and Jack go to pick up the girls, Anastasiya looks like a fucking dream and I can't take my eyes off of her more than usual, I see her run off at some point of the night and run after her, told her that I was in love with her, She told me that she was in love with me,

she said that we can never be together so I went to Trent's afterparty and got as drunk as I could to forget the rejection from right before.

Thanks, brain! Last night's events are crystal clear now.

I reach over to my nightstand and grab my phone, powering it on. As soon as my screen lights up a bunch of texts from Aubrey and Jack fill the screen along with one or two from Trent but the only one that seems important is the one at the very bottom of my screen, timed about half an hour after we had our admissions,

From Stassie: i really am sorry, and what i said was true. i love you

It feels like everything comes crashing down again, just seeing the words on the screen lets me know that I didn't imagine everything and that all the events from last night actually happened and weren't just figments of my imagination.


Susiana, My fathers home secretary came into my room shortly after I had fallen apart for the second time and said that my father demanded to see me in his office for important planning matters.

I got dressed in my dress pants and a button up shirt, just like I was last night, and made my way into my father's office much less happy than I was when I was last wearing this outfit. "You wanted to see me, dad?"

"Yes, this year around christmas time the company is arranging a very important charity event, I want you to help me oversee the planning because these are going to be your responsibility very soon, do you understand? I also need you to find a suitable and respectable date, none like those skanks you bring around this house."

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