chapter thirty one • secret santa

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

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August Matthews
Thursday, December 23rd

The suit feels like it's suffocating me. Even to school dances and every other event I've been to of my fathers I haven't had to wear a tie and a suit jacket, the buttoned-up shirt was completely fine.

But apparently, since I'm co-hosting the event this year I need to dress like a 'proper man.'

I squirt the cologne my dad told me to wear onto my neck and cringe at the smell, putting the bottle back on my dresser and backing away to look at the mirror. I look like my father.

A.K.A my worst nightmare.

My hair is slicked back with an unbelievable amount of gel, with not a single hair out of place. My collar is so tight I feel like I'm being hung and this suit jacket is already making me sweat, whether from heat or how pretentious I feel I'm not sure.

A knock on my door is followed by my mom entering the room, "August, sweetheart, you look so handsome." Her dress is long-sleeved, high collared, and red, reaching the floor. The satin fabric is layered underneath a white fur shawl and she has a string of pearls draped around her neck.

She looks even less herself than I do.

"Sure don't feel like it." I mutter, hoping that she can't hear me. I fuss with my tie while she comes up behind me, able to put her head on my shoulder with her heels.

"You look so grown up, just like your father." She wipes a single tear falling from one of her eyes and steps in front of me, fixing my tie that I've been fumbling with for the last hour, "let's just get through this night, ok? Gracie still loves it and it's important for your dad's company." She braces both of her hands on my arms, rubbing up and down to try and comfort me.

"I'll do it for Gracie."

"That's my boy." Pinching my cheek she turns on her heels, skirting out of the room and closing the door softly behind her.

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