chapter thirty eight • no idea

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don't forget to vote and comment!!! I love you<3

don't forget to vote and comment!!! I love you<3

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August Matthews
Wednesday, March 2nd

The alarm on the side table rings, waking me up with a completely pounding headache. Sitting up in a bed that's soft and with covers that don't feel like the ones I've been sleeping on for the last two weeks I finally peek my eyes open.

My head throbs as I do it, the sunshine filtering through the blinds making it all worse. Everything in this room is a bright white with no character; white bed sheets, white walls, a white headboard, a white door, and a slightly gray modern art painting hanging on the wall.

I'm in a guest room.

As I'm wondering whose guest room I'm in, a knock sounds on the door, not waiting for my response before it swings open.

A halo of golden blonde hair enters the room with the most fierce expression I've ever seen on her. Her face is bare of makeup and all her jewelry is off aside from her half of our matching necklaces.

God is she a sight to see after two weeks.

"I have a uniform for you, some Advil, and my dad's car keys. Hurry up and get ready. We have a lot to talk about before you go back to school and try to not fail senior year and stay on the basketball team." She says, staring me right in the eye with those piercing gray orbs. Depositing the uniform and the pills at the end of the bed she puts her hands in her hips expectantly, waiting for a response, "understand?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be down in 15." I reply, rubbing my eyes until I see stars.

She gives me a nod and leaves the room, the silence of the door closing echoing the silence in the room while my brain spins. The reality of what happened the last two weeks crashing into me all over again.

My sister dying.

Leaving my grieving mom and girlfriend at the hospital.

Smashing my phone against the pavement outside the hospital.

Staying at a motel for two weeks and completely neglecting everything else in my life.

Using the last of my cash to get alcohol and then walking the 2 miles to Trent's house when I ran out because I knew he would have some.

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