chapter forty four • finally legal

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

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August Matthews
Friday, June 10th

"I can't believe this is the last time we're all gonna be together" Aubrey sighs, pulling her homemade cake for Stas out of the fridge, "Trent is leaving for summer training next week, Ridley's teaching tennis at that sleepaway camp, and Jack's visiting his family in The Netherlands for the whole summer.

"Our friend group will just be down to the OG's, you, me, and Stas." I return, grabbing the bottles of sodas out of the fridge to set them next to the cake.

"Well everyone's gonna be here in 30 minutes and we're all set up, so now you're on plan get the birthday girl to her party."

Aubrey insisted that we have a complete surprise party for Stas's 18th birthday, and Stas loves surprise parties so I Figured it would be the best idea.

I grab my keys off the table now covered in cake and snacks and make my way over to my car, but not before Aubrey can yell at the top of her lungs, "and hold off on birthday sex until tonight! we have a schedule to stick to and you getting your dick sucked will not stop the party!"

"Stall her as much as possible, got it!" I call back from the gate at the side of her house, seeing her fuming face for a second before I turn back around and close it behind me.

The whole drive over to her house I'm trying to keep my face straight so I don't end up smiling too big and spoiling her surprise party. My car is parked in her driveway and I do one last dramatic schooling of my face while I walk up to her front door.

After ringing the doorbell the maid, Mary, opens the door for me and lets me in, "oh Mr. Matthews, honey it's so good to see you. Ms. Greyson is upstairs in her bedroom."

"Thank you, Mary." I toe off my shoes and put them on the rack in the hallway's closet before making my way over to the stairs and to Stas's room.

Reaching the door my hand goes out to knock before I hear muffled sobs echoing throughout the otherwise silent hallway. I open the door slowly and quietly, following the faint sound of sobs until I see her curled up in a corner, clutching a piece of paper in her hand.

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