chapter twenty two • someone

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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Anastasiya Greyson
Tuesday, November 2nd

Maybe he deserves to be with someone like Madison. Someone who can go all the way and doesn't make him relive his past trauma. Someone who he doesn't have to walk on eggshells around because he's scared of me breaking with every second. Someone who can stand up to her father and not let him throw her around like a tennis ball. Someone with bigger boobs, a bigger butt, a more hourglass figure, eyes with color that aren't a dull gray. Someone who can be there for him forever. He deserves the world, not someone who was so selfish that I cried last night because of what I did to him.

I was being such a cry baby last night, I should have been comforting him for christ sake but now I'm lying awake in my bed, with his arm around me as he snores into the crook of my neck, my eyes welling up with tears all over again. He deserves better than me.

He pushes his head further in before unforrowing it entirely and looking down at me with a fond look. He wipes the tears that have slowly fallen down my cheeks, placing light kisses in their path along my face.

"Goodmorning, I think we're already late for school." With a groan he plants a kiss on my forehead and turns to his phone, the time read 9:23am. Yep we missed an hour and half of school already.

"Goodmorning, do you think it's worth it to go, I'm still tired from yesterday." I give myself a full body stretch from under the covers, soreness vibrating through every part of my body from the concert.

"Yeah? I tired you out that much?" He smirks.

Did he just forget the actions that happened after he blew my mind with an orgasm? Are we going to talk about it? I think we really need to talk about it?


He turns to me, picking up a shirt of his from the floor and pulling it over his head, "Yeah, what's up."

"Uhm, can we like talk about what happened last night?" My fingers fiddle with each other as each word comes out less sure than the one before it.

"Yeah. I wanted to bring it up but I think it's good that we talked about it as soon as we could."

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