chapter eight • sisters stamp of approval

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you<3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you<3

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Anastasiya Greyson
Saturday, September 4th

I'm woken up with a tight arm wrapped around my stomach and a head resting behind my shoulder.

I open my eyes slowly to see a little girl opening the door, her eyes looking at me wide before she screams and runs out of the room. Her act of a horror movie-worthy scream is enough to wake up August who practically jumps out of his bed and runs into the hallway.

"Gracie! Gracie! What's wrong?" He yells to the frantic little girl running up and down the hallways.

"There-there was a-a-a stranger in your bed. I was scared," she explains, the noise of the footsteps down the hallway stopping.

I hear squeals from the doorway as August walks back into the room with the little girl hiding in his shoulder. He sits down at the end of the bed next to a still slightly confused me still tangled into the sheets.

"Anastasiya, this is Gracie, my sister." He turns to me and explains before turning back to the girl hidden in his arms, "Gracie, this is Anastasiya, I've told you about her before."

My cheeks heat up a little at the last comment, he talked about me?

"It's very nice to meet you, Gracie." I've heard worlds about his sister over the last week, August lights up whenever he talks about her. I know her favorite show is Doc McStuffins, she wants to be a ballerina and she's the smartest 6-year-old he's ever met.

Her colorful pigtails pop out of August's shoulder and she looks over at me with these huge eyes, scanning over every inch of my face quizzically. Finally, she meets my eyes and climbs out of Auggies arms and into mine, squishing me in the tightest hug a 6-year-old could give, "you're the girl in the picture!" She exclaims excitedly, "the one my brother looks at when he's sad, it makes him feel better."

I peek my head up from the little girl crushing hug and sneak a glance at August and his tomato red cheeks, "do a lot of thinkin' about me while I was gone, huh?

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