chapter twenty eight • tennis boyfriend

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August Matthews
Sunday, December 19th

"I cannot believe that she tricked me into wearing the stupid thing." Jack groans from the sink next to me in the bathroom, tugging at his polo like it's suffocating him.

We're both dressed like my father at the country club during the summer. White Maven Hale tennis polo shirts, tucked into a pair of Teal golf shorts, with moccasins as shoes and black sunglasses.

"Aw man, you both look so fucking stupid." Another voice enters the bathroom, wearing regular clothes.

"Fuck off Trent, if you saw what she did to convince me, you would be wearing the same fucking outfit as I am." Jack argues, still looking at himself in the mirror in disbelief and resentment.

We forced Trent to come with us too, partially because Stas thinks there's a girl on the team that's the total opposite of his type and she wants to try and set them up, and partially because after I told him what I'd be wearing he told us there was no way he was missing it.

"Oh yeah," Trent claps him on his shoulder, "what'd she do to turn you into a frat brother."

"Well I woke up with my dick in her mouth, for starters, and she wouldn't let me cum until I agreed to wear this stupid outfit. So yeah, I'd say her methods were pretty fucking convincing." Jack grunts out, adjusting his collar for the thousandth time.

Trent lets out another loud laugh, "nice to let us know your girlfriend fucks you and not the other way around. What about you Matthews? Why do you look like you're about to go play golf?"

"I did it because this jackass," gesturing to Jack, "had already agreed, and she wore my number on the cheek for my game so I was just returning the favor."

"Did you even get laid?" Trent seems shocked at my admission.

My shoulders tense a little, neither Jack nor Trent knows what happened to me, and they certainly don't know about Stas. "Drop it, man."

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