chapter twelve • super school spirity

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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Anastasiya Greyson
Friday, October 1st

"You need to look so hot that the players won't even want to play football because they are going to be looking at you!" Aubrey practically screams into my ear, tossing her bag into the backseat and opening the driver's side door of her silver Lexus. Her seat is pushed all the way up so she can reach the pedals and it's honestly really funny.

We both slide into our seats and she reverses the car out of her parking spot, slowly moving her car through the parking lot of other students and cars.

Since the episode with my father on Tuesday afternoon I've been home a grand total of two times when I knew he wasn't home. One was to bring my homecoming dress and shoes to Aubrey's house so it's already there to get ready tomorrow and the other to grab my makeup, toothbrush, and spare clothes so I could live at my best friend's house for the rest of the week and not run into him anymore.

"I don't see why that's the main objective, shouldn't I like, want the team to win." I shrug, placing my hands out in front of me when she makes an abrupt stop to save a very slowly moving freshman.

She gives me a look like it's the craziest thing she's ever heard of in her life, "well someone, you, is still single and doesn't have a date to homecoming, so I'm taking it upon myself to dish you out to my boyfriend's teammates."

Groaning in frustration, we finally make it out of the school parking lot and out onto the road, "dates are such a prom thing anyway, can't I just go alone and make out with the members of the football team there."

"Ugh, fine. But you do still need to look hot so they want to make out with you at the dance." Her head slams against her steering wheel, blaring the horn for a second before she lifts her head back up and smiles at me.

Looking at her with a tiny smirk on my face, I turn back to the mirror in front of me, "those things will make out with anything with an ass and a pretty face, both of which I have by the way."

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