chapter twenty nine • truth or dare

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Anastasiya Greyson
Sunday, December 19th

The six of us are gathered in Aubrey's basement, a couple of bottles of vodka and coke placed in the middle of our circle. Aubrey dims the lights before sitting herself back in Jack's lap and rubbing her hands together maniacally.

"Alright, it's time for Ridley's Initiation. Who wants to say the satanic prayer?"

"Me! Me!" with one of my hands raised in the air I'm bouncing on August's lap with fake excitement and Ridley looks like she's seen a ghost. "I'm kidding, but everyone knows the rules of truth or dare, right? Someone asks you truth or dare, you pick, they tell you what they want you to do, if you refuse you chug and we move on to the next person. I'll go first." I scan the circle for my first victim and land on my boyfriend's best friend, "Trent, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to send a dick pic to your mom. Maybe she'll be able to figure out what kind of STDs you have."

"You wanna see my dick that bad, blondie."

"Your mom's the one who's gonna be seeing it, not me."

"Well, who's gonna check to make sure I did it. Gotcha there." He smirks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"One of the men in the room, I promise none of the girls want to see your dick."

"Alright." Trent gets up from the circle and makes his way to the bathroom. Everyone hears the flash go off and the extra loud ringer of a sent text message.

He comes back out of the bathroom and tosses his phone into my lap. August picks it up and confirms he did the dare, tossing him his phone back through the circle.

"Ok, Trent your turn." He says from behind me.

"Ridley, since this is your initiation. Truth or dare?"


"Pussy." He coughs under his breath with a laugh, "ok what's your body count."

"Uh, zero." she doesn't give anyone time to dwell on her answer, even though Trent already has his brows furrowed while looking at her, "ok moving on! Aubrey, truth or dare?"

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