chapter nine • sex for my mouth

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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August Matthews
Sunday, September 26th

The soundproof walls of the gym practically vibrate with how loud my music is blaring through them. It's about 9pm and I'm getting in my workout before school tomorrow.

This week is one of the best weeks at school, with no uniforms, people wearing funny costumes every day, and barely anything is happening in our regular classes.

Homecoming week!

We have a different spirit day each day this week and you don't have to wear your uniform If you dress up. Friday's the big day though, everyone comes to school in as much Maven Hale Prep gear as you can find, our afternoon classes are replaced by a giant pep rally that has the performances from the cheerleaders, dance teams, and the band, tug of war between grade levels and different sports and a pie smashing contest on the headmaster.

True good old American High School. Or maybe it's just us because we're beasts at football.

Since Trent's on the team and I'm not, we have this silly tradition where I wear his 'girlfriend' jersey to his games when I come to football games and he wears mine during basketball season.

Saturday is homecoming.

I always hated homecoming. It was mostly just a bunch of drunk teenagers drinking from an obviously spiked punch, wearing fancy dresses and suits, grinding on each other, and taking cheesy photos. Just throw a party at that point, that way you won't have to deal with the school's dress code and you can actually drink out in the open.

The loudness of a ringing noise echoing from the room pulls me out of my anti-homecoming thoughts and I check my phone, seeing an incoming facetime call from Anastasiya.

Switching the audio back to my actual phone I pick up the call, "what's up Stas?"

She's in her bathroom, wet dirty blonde hair pulled into a low bun as a towel is clung tightly against her chest, little droplets rolling down from her neck into-

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