chapter seven • friend-zone

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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Anastasiya Greyson
Friday, September 3rd

After August dropped me off I ran up to my room to avoid my father because I saw his car in the garage and I hate talking to him.

I invited Aubrey over to get ready for the party and we're currently in my room dancing to Taylor Swift and trying to figure out what we are gonna wear.

Aubrey eventually decided on a pair of dark red pants that lace up in sort of a corset type on the back and a black tube-top.

For me, it was a little harder, when I was in California and went to parties all I wore was a swimsuit so I didn't have any 'party' clothes. I was debating just staying home when I couldn't find anything but she wouldn't take no for an answer and shoved me into a lacy black corset top and a hot pink low rise mini skirt.

I look like I'm going to a club, not a high school party.

We finish up with our normal makeup and a little bit of glitter spray before grabbing our ratty sneakers and heading to the living room to wait for August to come and pick us up.

The horn honks from outside and I call a last goodbye to Mary and close the grand doors behind us. We hop into the truck, me in the passenger's seat and Aubrey in the back before acknowledging August.

"Who's ready to get wasted!" She calls from the backseat and I respond with an enthusiastic 'me' and turn to August who is just sitting there frozen.

"Hello? Earth to Auggie? Are we going to this party or not?" I ask, waving my hands in front of his eyes like he's dead or something.

He shakes his head out of his frozen state and starts the car without a word. Is he mad that I brought Aubrey?

The short drive there is filled with me and Aubrey singing obnoxiously loud to the radio and trying to coax August into doing the same but he doesn't budge, I swear I see a little smile poking through sometimes though.

Why's he acting like he has a stick up his ass tonight? He was fine earlier.

We finally park down the street from the giant house and hop out of the car. I lift Aubrey up onto my back and start running towards the party, August following behind like a slowpoke.

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