chapter forty • pre-posal

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

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August Matthews
Friday, April 8th

"Make sure to get your prom tickets at the financial office before Friday, May 6th if you wish to attend. Tickets will not be sold at the door, so don't forget! All seniors must purchase their caps and gowns as well as clear all prior obligations by Friday, April 29th to be able to walk during graduation. That's all for today, Vikings! Have a strong day!" The overly cheery school announcer sounds over the school speakers.

Damn, where did the time go, it feels like yesterday I was walking into my first day of senior year, and now all anyone can talk about is prom and graduation.

True to his word my dad was at every single basketball game, even getting kicked out of one when he yelled too much and too loud at the referee. We're slowly becoming closer and having a real father-son relationship through our weekly family therapy sessions.

My mom is still a shell of herself and most days I come home to her sobbing over a memory she had of Gracie or something that reminds her of her late daughter. She still hasn't entered her room in the almost two months she's been dead, ordering both me and my dad to leave the room untouched.

Things with me and Stas are ok, but we've never been so uncomfortable with each other. Neither of us go over to each other's house after school, we still sit at the same lunch table but across the table instead of next to each other.

It's killing me.

It doesn't even feel like it was before we were dating, it feels like it did when she was all the way across the country, never talking and busy with other things. I don't think I'm imagining anything when I say that she's been less herself this last month too, she doesn't smile as much as before and she always zones out at lunch when everyone's talking.

I need to show her that I can be there for her, and that I care about her more than she could ever imagine. We are right together, and how we've both felt the last month without each other is proof of that, I just need to figure out how.

An idea strikes me and a smile pops up on my face.

The bell for the end of class rings and I walk straight over to the financial office, getting in line behind a few other kids. Once my turn comes up I step up to the window and make eye contact with the frizzy-haired office aide, "can I get two tickets for prom?"

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