chapter two • the girlfriend

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Anastasiya Greyson
Monday, August 30th

Moving back to my hometown after being in California for seven years with my mother, you would think that my first interaction with one of my best friends wouldn't be him hitting on me but I guess that's where we're at.

He didn't even recognize me, although the only reason I could recognize him is from the photos Aubrey showed me when my father and I went over for dinner at her house on Friday.

He looks at me, widened eyes, slack jaw for long after I turn my attention back towards the teacher.

After class, I'm determined to get out of this room before August can get any questions out of me but that dream is promptly squashed when as I take my first step away from the desk a hand grips my wrist and I look up at the boy who used to be my best friend.

"What? I have to go find Aubrey." I raise an eyebrow at him, living with my mom almost wholeheartedly removed my quiet timid nature and if he was still expecting it he would be in for a shock.

"I'm sorry about that Stas, I didn't know it was you." He pleads, his dark blue eyes softening the longer he looks at me.

"It's fine August, I'm gonna go find Aubrey now," I say with a wave behind me turning on my heels and out of the classroom.

I spot Aubrey across the hallway wrapping her up in a hug from the back when she's distracted by someone to the left of her.

"Omg! Stassie! Hello, my love." She says with a tip-toed kiss on my cheek. I love our affectionate greeting, as I'm bending down to return the kiss on the cheek a whiney noise from the boy standing next to Aubrey echoes through the air, "I thought I was your love, Aubrey?"

My gaze moves from my tiny best friend to the boy standing next to her. Holy shit I totally forgot she had a boyfriend, "I'm sure we can share her love, she's so small but has so much love in her she's practically bursting." I say as cheesy as possible, jazz hands included. "You must be the famous boyfriend of Aubrey." I reach out my hand for his to shake.

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