chapter forty one • promposal

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don't forget to vote and comment!!! I love you<3

don't forget to vote and comment!!! I love you<3

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Anastasiya Greyson
Saturday, April 9th

My whole body is still reeling from the video call almost an entire 24 hours later. His eyes were on every inch of my skin, I had a sickly fake smile plaster on my face the whole time he assaulted me with his eyes.

I felt used, I feel used.

I attempt to slip into a bit of normalcy by tacking as much excitement as I can into my voice while I group Facetime Aubrey and Ridley to tell them where im going tonight. They both squeal in excitement, reiterating over and over again how #TeamAuggie&Stassie they are.

They stay on the phone with me the entire time I get ready, vetoing 7 of my outfit choices before they both approve of a pair of low-rise jeans with a pink corset top and my trusty doc martens. No matter how many times I told them it was way too over the top for whatever he had planned they insisted I keep it on.

I finally hang up the call when I see headlights starting to peek over the long winding driveway, giving the girls my goodbyes I clasp my heart necklace around my neck and head down the stairs as quietly as possible.

A sigh of relief escapes me when I manage to close the front door without my father or stepmonster catching me leaving the house.

His car is sitting idle in the driveway and my relief turns into to nervousness again. A different kind that makes a blush rise on my cheeks and my whole body feel warm despite the cool temperature tonight.

He spots me before I can possibly chicken out, gives me a huge smile, and slowly scans his eyes down my frame, eyebrows raising in what I hope is approval as I slowly approach the car.

The second I pull myself into the seat, a wave of deja vu hits me from the first day of school. Getting picked up in his car when I felt like I barely knew him anymore.

A pang of disappointment hits me at how things went south after our breakup, but hopefully tonight we can become more us again.

"You look stunning tonight, truly jaw on the floor type of look." He says, even dropping his jaw for emphasis.

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