chapter twenty seven • secrets

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August Matthews
Friday, December 17th

"Ok, what's actually bothering you?" I ask Anastasiya the second I close my bedroom door behind us.

She crosses her arms over her chest and sits on the bed, eyeing me wearily, "What are you talking about? I already told you what I was mad about at the game."

"That's bullshit if I've ever heard it. You of all people wouldn't be that upset over some random person calling you a jersey chaser, Madison does it all the time." I stride over to her, stepping in between her parted legs, "what was actually bothering you?"

"It's stupid, I shouldn't be upset at it." She tucks her head into her chest, not meeting my eyes.

"C'mon you tell me what's bothering you and I'll tell you a secret."

She gasps, "you've been keeping secrets from me." I make the motion of zipping my mouth up and tossing away the key and she huffs, "fine, I just, I saw when your mom hugged you and it was one of those mom hugs where like all you can feel is your mom, and obviously, since my mom is dead," she lets out a pained laugh as the first tear drops from her eyes and onto her jeans, "so I haven't had a mom hug in months, and it just made me so sad because I'm never gonna get a mom hug again."

I place my finger on her chin, making her teary eyes look up at me as I lean down and kiss both of her cheeks. Sitting against the headboard of my bed I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her so her back is firmly pressed to my front.

I just simply rock with her in my arms, our faint breathing and the rustling of our clothes, the only noises being made as I try to calm her down.

After a couple of minutes she inhales a deep breath and turns around in my lap, stretching her legs out on either side of my body, "if I remember correctly, somebody owes me a secret."

Afraid of letting her go I crush her back into me, squishing my head in the crook of her neck."Hmm is that so, I don't think I remember agreeing to that." my words come out muffled but clear enough for her to hear the teasing.

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