extended epilogue • meet the matthews

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

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Anastasiya Matthews
4 Years Later

The room is pitch black as I slightly open my eyes to see a little girl with bangs kissing my very pregnant stomach, "good morning, Gracie!" I say sliding my body up towards the headboard and looking at my perfect little angel.

Her eyes that look just like her dad's look up at me like I just caught her committing a crime but it's quickly covered with a baby-toothed smile, "good morning, mommy!" She calls back, climbing over my belly to give me my morning hug.

"Hey big sister, are you ready to meet your brother and sister?" Mumbling my words into her shoulder and pulling her closer to me, she really is my perfect girl.

On our wedding night, my birth control failed and I had gotten pregnant with Gracie. I really didn't want to get pregnant so soon because I wanted to try and pursue my writing dreams and everything was just so new with August inheriting his father's company and our marriage. But the second we saw that first ultrasound we absolutely fell in love. Three and a quarter years after her birth, my little girl Gracie Milan Matthews is happy and healthy, my twins are about 7 months along and I'm almost done with my creative writing degree.

"Can I pick their names, mommy?" She gives me those huge puppy dog eyes as I push her bangs out of her face,

"what would you name them, baby?"

"Well for my brother, Eugene like the prince from Tangled, for my sister Gracie Jr." She says nervously, her little fingers twirling through my hair.

I rub up and down her chubby little arms, "those are really good ideas, baby! We'll add them to our lists, ok?"

There is no way I'm naming my child Eugene, no matter how hot Flynn Ryder is.

Her baby-toothed grin pokes through again, "Ok mommy! Can we go to the park today?"

"Of course, baby. Why don't you go and pick out your clothes?" Climbing off my lap she gives me a happy head nod and runs out of the master bedroom into her own to pick out her clothes.

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