chapter five • jersey shore

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don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! i love you <3

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Anastasiya Greyson
Tuesday, August 31st

After crying our hearts out to each other we ate the mouthwatering fettuccine alfredo the chef made for us and binged watched a bunch of the Disney princess movies until falling asleep from pure exhaustion.

This morning the two of us woke up groggy and tired to my school alarm, our bodies were tangled in each other as we scrambled away from each other to start getting ready.

He gets dressed back in his uniform from yesterday and I make my way to the bathroom for a shower. After my shower, I blowdry my hair and throw on my bathrobe before exiting back into my room.

"Won't your dad be wondering why you didn't come home yesterday?" I asked him because what father wouldn't be worried about his son not showing up after school.

"Nah, he's used to it." He says back with a wink.

I internally gag as I walk into my closet to grab my school uniform, closing the closet doors behind me. I untie my robe and pull out a bra and a pair of underwear from my drawers.

The closet doors burst open before I have a chance to cover myself and a wide-eyed August is standing with both of his hands on the doorknobs and his eyes wide, "sorry," the word is drawn out as his eyes drift over my body, but he shakes his head to get back to the point, "uh do you have an extra toothbrush?"

I finally realize that he's seeing me in my bra and underwear and frantically trying to use my arms to cover myself, "and you had to open the doors to ask me this? There's some underneath the bathroom sink in the right drawer."

"Right, sorry, let me leave you to it." He says nervously, closing the doors and retreating his footsteps over towards the bathroom.

A light chuckle leaves my mouth as I exhale and pull on my itchy school uniform of a white collared shirt under a navy blue sweater, white and blue pleated plaid skirt complete with white knee-high socks, and my trusty black doc martens.

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