chapter thirty four • you pierced a hole in your face!

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don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you <3

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August Matthews
Sunday, February 13th

"Are you sure that this is what you want to do?" My mother asks in a hesitant tone.

"I've wanted one for a while, but dad wouldn't sign off on it and now that I'm legally an adult I can just sign for it myself." I return.

She attacks me in a hug whispering against me, "oh don't say that, you're gonna make me feel old." she pulls away but rests her hands on my upper arms, "and no matter what you will always be my baby boy."

"I'm 18, mom."

"Oh nonsense, you're still the 7-year-old boy who needed me to tie his shoes for basketball practice." Swatting my chest she turns back to her cup of coffee on the table, "what are you doing with your friends tonight?"

"We're going to Aubrey's house, she's throwing me a surprise party." I answer, putting quotes around, "but I have to go, my appointments in like 20 minutes and the shops 15 away."

"Have fun, my darling baby boy," she mocks, "stay safe, I love you."

I kiss her on the cheek and grab my jacket, hopping in my car and making my way to the tattoo shop. The crumpled design for the tattoo is burning a hole in my pocket and making my nerves spike.

The bell overhead the door rings throughout the store and multiple heads look up in my direction. I head over to the counter where a bald guy with a long red beard and huge gauges in his ears is working a cash register.

"I had an 11:30 appointment for August."

"You're here for a tattoo, pretty boy." He crosses his arms against his chest and his face sets into a firm block of stone.

"Uh, yeah that's what my appointment's for isn't it."

He breaks out into a laugh and comes out from behind the counter, he's about half a foot shorter than me and double my weight, every inch of visible skin covered in intense black and white tattoos.

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