Chapter 30:

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Hello guys! I have the next chapter up to the epilogue written already. I just figured this at least needed to be ended. Seriously if anyone is still reading this thank you a lot. Next chapter will be up tomorrow.

Status: Edited

Harry's pov:

I was frozen in place, stunned. I couldn't say anything as my heart pumped erratically in my chest. Australia.

Michael wanted me to be with him in fucking Australia.

Holy fuckity fuck fuck?

He searched my face for any emotion that I could display but I'm pretty sure he can't read me right now. I don't know what to say he wants me to be in Australia with him, to meet his family, to meet his ex-boyfriend, to show me-wait... Ashton.

"Michael..." I spoke slowly.

"How about you and Ashton?" I dared to ask, it's not like I'm looking for some sort of escape here but that'd be inconsiderate of us to just fly back to Australia holding hands and shit in front of him. He probably still has feelings for Michael.

I don't even know if they have broken up officially. I mean they were forced but-I don't know what this Ashton guy's feeling all about this.

Michael seemed to be rattled at that because he started pacing and thinking thoroughly about it. He's just confused as I am.

"Why are you suddenly bringing him up?" He snaps and I flinch. He never gets mad at me.

"I ask you to come back with me to Australia, a big step for the both of us and you fucking-" He turns his back on me and yells before kicking a stone and I just let him. Maybe he needed this.

"You mention him." He pants, red-faced and sadness etched on his face as he looks at me once again, I give him a sad smile, I know what he's feeling.

"I needed to or else you'll keep on convincing yourself that it's me that you want, that it's me that you need." I step forward and hook my fingers under his chin making him look into my eyes.

"I don't want you to pretend that we're meant to be, we're perfect don't I fucking know it?" I laugh and he smiles still looking at me.

"But our hearts both long for someone else Mikes. You need Ashton as much as he needs you. We need to do this." I say and he nods slowly, taking my hand in his.

"This is the best thing that we can do for each other before we trick ourselves into thinking that we love each other and before we both commit any more mistakes." He kisses my knuckles before placing it on my cheeks.

"I love you though. I was serious when I asked you-"

"I know. I love you too. We just love someone more..." He takes my hands off now and takes a step back.

"This is making me cry, we are good for each other, we-"

"But he's not you and I'm not him." I shrug still keeping a small smile on my face.

"So this is it huh? No more exciting sex and cuddles in night and calling you dimples? Silly nicknames and awkward sexting?" He wriggles his eyebrows, making me grin and shaking my head.

"I believe we can't have that anymore but we can still be friends?" I ask, hopefully he won't say no, Michael is really cool and I want to keep in touch with him even after everything.

"Fucking friend zone." He mumbles and playfully kicking stones on the ground again.

"I'd love to Harry. I will never forget you. Never forget us. I'm going back to Australia in three days. I hope we can hang out, as friends." Him pertaining us as friends is weird but I'd really like that so much.

He gives me one final smile before waving his hand and shoving his hands in his pocket, he begins to walk away and I can't believe this is it, I'm losing him, the perfect guy I can't-

"Michael wait!" I shout and then I'm running to him as he turns to face me and I cup his face in my hands and kiss him deeply, moving my lips hard against his, not even giving him a chance to react because I need to let him know, that I do love him in a way I can't explain. Before I know it he's kissing me just as hard and then it gets hard to breathe so I pull away, my forehead pressed against his.

"I love you god I really do, you're such an amazing guy and I'm dumb to let you go I'm so fucking sorry it can't be you, I'm sorry we can't work out I'm so sorry Michael." I whisper, I can't believe I'm letting him go.

"I won't ever forget you. I hope you and Ashton do work out. You guys deserve a second chance." I finally back off and he nods silently licking his now swollen lips.

"Yeah. I know it will... He's been uhm sending me emails but I wasn't replying back because of us." He looks sheepish and I grin, happy for him genuinely but feeling a bit guilty for getting in the way of them being together again.

"You better reply to him tonight then."

"Only if you get Niall back? He's a prick, according to you but he's always been your Niall, Harry, it's always been NiallandHarry not Niall and Harry." He states and my heart aches just a bit, Niall's words ringing in my head.

"I will. Ring me and I'll take you to the airport yeah?" He raises his hand and this time I let him walk away.

Now that's sorted. Niall is next. I look up at the stars in the sky.

Don't give up on us please.


Niall's pov:

The sunlight hit my face, my nose scrunching up because of that and my smell. Since when did I last shower anyway? I sit up straight, taking in my surroundings before soughing and looking at the ceiling.

This past few days had been hell, Zayn and Perrie visited me for a reason but I only treated them horrendously, Harry had told me he missed me and faced me but I pushed him away.

Talking about drama huh?

I shut my eyes tightly, feeling regret and disappointment seep through me as I convinced myself that it was alright to push him away, I know it is.

I wanted to get the old us back and to do that- I needed a fresh start.

I opened my eyes up again, positivity and optimism clouding up my mind as I sit up and discard every mess scattered around. It barely looked my flat anymore, it's as if some thief went through my stuff.

I cautiously climb downstairs and smile at the two couple all loved up and cuddled on the pull out couch. I get a garbage back and start cleaning my room and then I go straight to bath and then cook breakfast for the couple who stayed for me.

Please wait for me Harry.

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