Chapter 9:

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dedicated to katie, my love.

status: edited

Harry's pov:

"That's why you went here to get wasted? That's why you bugged Niall and me? How is fighting over a tv show a big fight boo? Can you please explain cause I- I don't understand." I tap my fingers impatiently at the table and looked at the slightly drunk Louis straight in his eyes.

"It is a big fight! He knows I love that tv show! And he had to blow me while watching it? Like seriously man? Can't you just control your hormones for a minute?" Louis rolled his eyes and downed a shot again, while Niall returned and got some from us

"Thanks Ni." I smiled sweetly at him and he sat down the bar stool beside me and returned the smile and drank straight away.

"Wait. A-Am I missing something here?" His words were slurred and he pointed an accusing finger at the both of us.

My eyes widened and I immediately blushed.

"N-Nothing." I croaked out and Niall managed to get a shot again and again and again and I lost track of time because Louis started to get over dramatic and started to cry about Liam's sexual frustrations and about using him to relieve them.

"H-Harry babe." Niall giggled and hiccupped behind me.

My eyes shot wide open. I fell asleep from Louis' story? He didn't even notice because he was still rambling.

Did Niall just call me babe?

"Yes I did!" He answered and pressed his weight down my body while his hands played one of my curls.

Damn me from saying my thoughts out loud.

"Yeah! Damn your thoughts Harry!" He seductively said he tugged on my hair. I held in a moan.

He knows I love that.

"Why do I think that all that he wants from me is sex, sex and more sex? Why is that boobear?" Louis' head was buried on the cold table and Niall was now nipping and biting my earlobe, good thing Louis wasn't looking. I'm completely flushed and a little too excited. Niall bit harder and I can't yelped.

"Mm..." I let out and I could feel Niall smirking.

"What was that? I can't hear you." Harry focus! Louis needs you! But I can't when Niall is removing my jacket and was now focused on marking me. "H-He l-loves y-you bboo..." I bite my lip harshly as Niall sucks harder on my abused collar bone

Louis suddenly stopped talking and Niall stopped sucking. Phew, that was a handful! I turned around to see a very flushed Niall with lazy eyes and plump lips. I started to get harder at the sight of him and I covered my erection with my hand but ended up moaning at the contact and Niall smirked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes

He scooted closer to me until his lips reached my ear. "Harry, you got that hard for me baby?" He slowly slid his hand up my inner thigh and started to get higher and higher until he reached at the top of my hand that was covering my aching erection. "Bet you got hard imagining me in front of you, on my knees and sucking you don't you?" He removed my hand and started palming me through my skinny jeans.

I bit my lower lip again to keep me from moaning and he looked at my eyes. I gave him a helpless look but he only smirked and leaned in again. "Want me to go faster like this? You're so hard for me baby... So good." He whispered and he started roughly palming me and my breath came in pants...

I forgot that when Niall got drunk, he was incredibly horny. Shit.

I involuntarily bucked my hips into his touch and I moaned silently. Believe me, it's hard to do. "N-Niall... S-stop p-please... W-we're in a public place." He ignored my plea and my breathing became ragged. "You tell me to stop but you're mind have other things in store for you." Yeah he's right. My hips is still bucking. I can't stop... It feels so good....

"L-Let's get L-Louis home p-please? I-I think he p-passed o-out..." I asked half-heartedly and his hand stopped and he pulled away from me. "Fine, but we are going to continue this at home Harold."

I gulped. Shit I'm screwed.


Tralalalalala :3 sorrynotsorry.

So how was it? :)) tell me 'bout it? ;) sorry it was short but things will start to get fun on the next chappy! ;)

-HorantheCurls xx

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