Chapter 29:

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[dedicated to @NarryBuddy because I love her so much it makes my heart ache]

Status: Edited

Harry’s POV:

By the time I finished the whole story, Perrie had tears in her eyes, Zayn held sympathy for me and I… I was crying so hard.  We literally have gone through so much it was unbelievable. I thought that I was okay but Perrie was right, I was not okay. I still am broken and the only person that could really fix me has already given up on me.

He already gave up on me.

“Harry… We’re sorry…” Zayn sighed, his hand coming up to rub my back in circles, it wasn’t right, I knew it deep inside of me, that these feelings for Niall wouldn’t fade away no matter how hard I tried to push it away, it keeps coming back.

I still love him.

“I feel like a dick now, god I didn’t even know that you loved him right from the start, I mean like, yes you were different from us when it came to affection but man, I never thought… I’m just sorry.” I just nodded. I had nothing to say, I didn’t know how to react especially when my mind was bombarded with questions that I had no answers of.

What’s it going to be with Michael now?

Will I be able to face him now?

What about Niall?

Will something happen to us?

Is he willing to take me back?

Will there still be an us after all this ruckus?

“I always knew there was something…” Perrie suddenly spoke, interrupting my train of thoughts and my buzzing mind. I sniffled but tilted my head to the side to look at her, who was smiling, holding Zayn’s hand.

“I know you guys are affectionate with each other but with Harry and Niall, they were always different, you could see it in Harry’s eyes, his love for him, and when he’d look away, Niall was there, staring at him with the same fond look Harry had on. It was a beautiful sight, Niall was a bit slow to catch up with his feelings but when he did, he got scared and when he was brave enough, it was too late but Harry, just remember that things will happen, if it’s meant to happen okay? Don’t give up on him just yet, darling.” Perrie flashes me a smile and I wonder if I’m ready to get my heart broken again.

I’m not assuming that Niall’s going to break it but with the condition he’s currently in, I doubt it if he’d give us another go.

Another thing is that, if you remember he has a girlfriend and I have Michael.

We can’t be together.

Not right now, at least.

“My heart belonged to him right from the start, he had it always, he just never knew it until our first time, it’s just silly if I think of it, that I rejected him, I shouldn’t have, hell I shouldn’t have went into a relationship with Michael, I’m such an ass, he’s such a good boyfriend, he doesn’t deserve all of this, and he definitely doesn’t deserve me.” I continue to sob again as I realize my mistake, Michael was vulnerable, after being kicked out by his parents for being gay, he was devastated, and I took advantage of that.

I took advantage of him.

“And he’ll only hurt more if you don’t break up with him this instant.” Zayn speaks up, patting my back.

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