Chapter 12:

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I'm really very sorry for the very late update! Narry's going to do some dirty later so you have been warned! ((:

I dedicate this to @ziallsex because she's awesome and I love her Narry story.

I won't keep you long but I'm going to just say this one more time...

I love ASHTON IRWIN! And Nialler babe too. I don't want him getting jealous so yeah...




Harry's POV:

It was eight in the evening now and the movie credits were rolling. I yawned and stretched my limbs. "Niall, babe, wake up," Niall was lying on my chest and was sleeping. I looked at his sleeping figure and admired his freckles, trying to somewhat connect and make something out of it, there's an obvious tinge of pink spreading across his cheeks and it was really beautiful.

I put my large hand on top of his head and started playing with his hair and massaged his scalp after. I felt him tense and shudder. I looked at him to see that he was still sleeping but he was slightly panting. I repeated the action again, to see that I got the same reaction from him.

Did he like it?

"Nialler..."I whispered but his eyes were still tightly shut. Is he having a wet dream or something? I chuckled at the thought of that but got silent the next second. Shit that's hot...

I bit my lips and look back at the innocent Niall. He was breathing heavily and was blushing madly at the same time. Maybe he is having a dream... I would love to mess him up right now... He looks like an angel...

And then my thoughts flew back to last night. That wonderful mouth of his...

My own breathing caught in my throat and I felt something stir in the pit of my stomach. Niall's getting me all hot and bothered and I really need to do something about it. I pushed Niall away from my chest gently and laid him back on the couch. I stood up and ran a hand through my curls while stopping the movie.

I looked back again at Niall who was sucking his thumb between his lips now and was flushing terribly. Oh god that's not helping at all...

And then a though hit me. Maybe I should just wake him up...

An evil smirk made its way to my lips and I made my way to Niall and kneeled in front of him. We were only in our boxers so it made my task only easier. I took off Niall's boxer in one swift movement and saw his stiff member. I licked my lips appreciatively because he is BIG. Really he is...

I felt myself hardening from the view in front of me and so I decided to take it into action. I straddled Niall and he stirred in his sleep but not waking up completely. I leaned in and kissed him, slow at first because I want him to wake up and witness everything. His pretty eyes fluttered open slowly and our eyes met.

I bet mine was darker because of lust.

"Kirsten?" What the fuck? He asked as he rubbed his eyes. I bit my lip hard again, thinking about continuing this or not, obviously all the courage in my body died out and I felt crying but shouldn't I turn this situation upside down? "Nah. It's Harry." I answered and his blue eyes widened.

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