Chapter 17:

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So… Thank you so much for all the feedbacks that you gave me in the last chappy, only a few chapters more and this baby is coming to an end ): I’m a bit sad ‘cause this is my first ever work but I’m going to start a new fanfic! Yep it’s Narry, if I post it will you check it out? When I post the epilogue, I’ll post the 1st chapter of the new fic, that is if you want me to write a new one, I need to know if someone will actually read it.

It’s kind of like a bit of a Nourry love triangle but not really. I know it’s hard to get but let me know if you want me to post it yeah? Comment down there! Please.

Oh and some drama in the next chapters… Just a head start ;)

Same warnings apply!

status: edited

Harry’s POV:

You know what I feel…? I feel totally fine. Okay we all know I’m lying and I feel like shit but honestly? I think I’m doing okay.

I mean with Niall and our thing, like I’ve been becoming less and less attached you know? Like when we pleasure each other, I push away my feelings and just focus on feeling the lust and want and it’s been good! Great actually!

I don’t want to say that I’ve already fully moved on but I think I’m getting there and Michael has been such a good friend, he’s helping me and everything and it’s really sweet.

After uni classes we go out as in every night (that is if I’m not busy with Niall), I’ve already showed him to uhmm… The London eye, pretty much everywhere in London.

And you know I think I'm starting to fall inlove with him.

And the feeling is great! I believe if I spend more time with Mikey then I won’t have to deal with my feelings about Niall and then I’ll be able to move on and everyone will be happy! At least I will be…

Just a little more and you’ll get there Harry, I know you will…

Niall’s POV:

“I’m sorry Niall.” Harry says as he turns around to face me while locking his locker.

“What? You have plans?” I raise an eyebrow at him and he blushes, I feel that sting in my heart again but I push it away.

“Yeah actually I have Ni, sorry. Can we do it next time when I’m free?” He smiles sweetly and I bow my head down and nod.

“Go take Kirsten out on a date or something.” He suggests and I pout.

“You know how busy she is these past few days.” I say, shuffling my feet on the ground and he looks sympathetically.

“Well… Just drag her out of work, surprise her. What diner is she working in right now? Bring her some roses and surprise her!” He says enthusiastically.

But I don’t feel like giving her roses…

I don’t feel like surprising her at all…

I want to spend time with you Harry.

My mind screams but I stay silent.

“I’ll try…” I sigh and he brings me into his arms and hugs me tightly. I inhale his scent and melt into his touch.

“Niall… Just do it.” He whispers and I just nod. He pulls away and gives me a lovely smile and a tap on the shoulder before leaving me alone with the thoughts of him.

I slump my shoulders forward, carry my bag on one shoulder and walk to the flower shop. Might as well do what Harry suggests.

Why do I feel like Harry’s becoming distant? Like he’s pushing me away, when we pleasure each other he always does it fast, like he’s just trying to get it over with, we never lay down and cuddle anymore, and do movie marathons or eat together, he just leaves after, why do I think he’s doing this thing because of me and not because he wants to.

It’s like we’re not best friends anymore, only friends with benefits and it pains me to think that because I started this and I wanted this but he wanted it too right? I didn’t force him to do this with me.

I should not be jealous that Harry’s meeting that Michael dude but that’s the problem, I am and I see he really likes him, like when I bring him up; he’s blushing and stuttering like a mad man.

I should be the one doing that to him.

I should be the one dating him.

I should be the one- I just- That should be me.

No, I started this thing and I’m not getting attached to it. It’s just lust, nothing more, nothing less.

It’s not like I have actual feelings for Harry right? I mean c’mon… He’s my best friend, best friends aren’t supposed to be with each other.

But the thought of us being together makes my stomach churn (in a good way), my cheeks heat up and my whole body flush.

Why is that?

I get the bouquet of roses and pay the old lady; thank God the flower shop is just close to the diner Kirsten’s been working at.

I get so lost in my thoughts but I stop in my tracks when I hear giggles, I know where those giggles come from and I hide in the bush.

I peek at the two figures leaning on the wall; kissing and I see luscious curls that I’m sure I’ve seen before.

Oh! Nick.

Nick pulls away and I see the other figure…

I drop the roses down along with my jaw, not really but…

“Go back to work.” Nick says and Kirsten gives him a quick peck.

“Thanks for the rose.” She dangles the single red rose in front of him and he chuckles, Kirsten flicks her long hair as she goes inside the diner and Nick smiles to himself before walking away and I hide myself more.

What the fuck? So she’s seeing someone other than me?

So she doesn’t… love me?

She’s cheating on me the whole fucking time?

And here I am being an oblivious idiot.

It’s fair though, I’ve been seeing Harry behind her back

But fuck! I didn’t… I thought…

My knees give out and I fall into a fetal position, I hug my knees and bury my face in them, rocking myself back and forth while I sob.

I couldn’t care less of what people think… I guess I didn’t see it coming but if I think of it more, it was actually kind of obvious, more night shifts, then more time for her to fool around with the curly-haired fucker.

I continue to sob for a few more minutes until I figure out what I need to do.

I need to drink. I need to forget.

And I know a party where I can go to.




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