Chapter 22:

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Thanks for the lovely reviews! I have a killer headache and I want to rip my head off so the hurting will stop. *sniffs*

Also... School finally started! It was fine but I miss my best friend ): she's not in the same section as me, our school system is kind of... Hard to understand (:

But I updated so who cares?


Harry's POV:

"Honeybunch!" I called out playfully, a fond smile in my lips as I entered the flat, carrying grocery bags. "Hey sugarplum!" Mikey waved at me as soon as he saw me putting the grocery bags on top of the table.

So it's official...

Yes we are dating...

Yes I got over my best friend...

"What you watching handsome?" I flirted and smiled as I sat down on his lap.

"Nothing, just the vampire diaries," He shrugs and I turn around to face him and peck his lips, smiling after. "God you exhausted me last night." He says while sinking back in the couch, taking me with him. "I'm sorry baby, can't help it when you wear something sexy." I wink cheekily and he smiles before running his hands up and down my sides.

I lay down on his chest while he continues on watching the series, Michael really is amazing. He helped me get over my feelings with my best mate and I couldn't have been more grateful.

"Harry..." He breaks the comfortable silence and I just hum in response while lazily tracing patterns on his clothed chest. "I think you should... you know..." He trails off and my hands stop. I pull away and eye him intently. "What?" I ask.

"He texted you, saying that it was urgent and he needs to talk to you asap." He informs and I look down at our laps while reaching out for his hands and playing with it. "You think so?" He raises my head, using his fingers to lift it up and I chew on my lower lip as I contemplate on what my boyfriend is saying.

"Yeah I do..." He moves his fingers to cup my cheeks and strokes it. I feel my cheeks heat up and I nod, knowing that I have to face my best friend sooner or later.

"Go now... He's probably waiting for you." This makes me smile so I lean in and give him a long, passionate kiss, smiling when I pull away. "On second thought, you should just stay here and make out with me." He says jokingly and wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly.

"No. Don't want to keep my best mate waiting do we?" I ask and tap his cheek playfully. "Yeah yeah, you should go talk to him, just hurry up yeah? I want to lie down and kiss you all day." He says as I scramble off his lap and walks to the door.

"Yeah, this will be quick." I say before finally going outside to settle things with my best friend.

Niall's POV:

Every time the door opens, my head snaps to its direction to see if it's the curly haired man I'm deeply in love with and I feel my heart slowly breaking when I see it's not him.

I bow my head down and play with my fingers; I had Harry's favourite frappe in one hand and mine in the other.

What's taking him so long?

He hates you; he doesn't want to see you.

I close my eyes tightly and take deep breaths as I ignore the little voice in my head.

What's happening to me? I'm going mad...

I take one last deep breath and-

"Nialler..." A deep husky voice says my name and I blink my eyes open and turn to the direction where the raspy voice came from, which was well... beside me.

"Harry..." I breathe out and he shoots me a smile before sitting across of me.

I suddenly don't know what to do; the man that I loved for a long time now was in front of me. My cheeks burn up as I think of what I'm going to say to him for the next few minutes...

"I miss you Harry." I mumble and pass the frappe to him.

"I miss you too buddy." He says as he thankfully takes the frappe.

"Listen Niall I..." He takes a deep breath and I look away from his intense gaze.

"I'm sorry." He says and now I look at him quizzically.

Is he regretting that he fell in love with me?

Why is he sorry?

"S-Sorry?" I stutter and take a sip of my frappe.

"Yeah... It was... It was stupid falling for you." Woah, you hit a nerve right there.

"I mean you're my best mate and I now understand that you don't want things to get complicated and all... You were just such a great guy Niall, you were always there for me, never leaving my side and everything. You made me smile, lit up my days always when I hear you laugh, you make me laugh when I don't want to and I just... I couldn't help it you know? I couldn't help but fall for you..." I feel my heart beating in a faster pace and a smile makes its way to my lips.

"But don't worry now." He adds as he reaches out for my fingers. I scrunch my eyebrows up at him and look at him incredulously.

"Don't worry about what?" I ask, meeting his fingers halfway and lacing it with his.

Spark jolts up from the tip of my fingers to my whole body when skin came contact to skin.

"I have a boyfriend now... He's amazing. You should meet him." He beams up and smiles dreamily at me and my eyes widen and I feel like I'm slowly breaking, my lips quiver and I pull my hands and look away.

I am too late...

"He likes football and-"

"But I love you Harry. I'm in love with you." I look at him with teary eyes and a broken heart.


I just want to bang my head on the wall. It really freaking hurts and I slipped and almost fell downstairs. I'm pretty stupid.

I know it's not long but I promise the next chapter will be longer.

Give me feedbacks please?

I'll update on Friday if you do ;)

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