Chapter 23:

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I made the chapter longer today! Yay!

Status: Edited

Harry's POV:

"But I love you Harry. I'm in love with you." My smile falters as he says those words. If I was the Harry before, I would probably just pounce on Niall and kiss him long and hard until were breathless that we need to pull away and tell him how much I love him too but unfortunately, I've moved on.

I look at him to see him in the brink of tears and I sigh heavily. How do I say this?

Even though he caused me a lot of heart aches and tears, I still care about Niall. He's my best friend, what kind of best friend doesn't care about how the other feels?

"Niall I..." I reach for his hands but he cringes away like I'm some kind of disease. Am I that bad?

"Listen I... I'm flattered that you... You finally understand what your feelings are but... I have a boyfriend already Niall." I say as discreet as I can.

I don't want to hurt my best friend.

"I love you Ni, I really do but not like that anymore." I breathe out as he looks away.

"I understand that I'm too late..." His voice is so weak and fragile and I just want to hold him and hug him and comfort him.

After all I know how he feels. How the person you love so much doesn't love you the way you do. Trust me; I've been through that before.

"I'm really sorry Niall, I... I was just so hurt and-"

"You have nothing to apologize for." He sniffles as he wipes his eyes, I know he's brushing off tears and that makes my heart tighten.

"I still wanna be best friends though..." I try to lighten up the mood but fails when Niall stands up.

"I'm sorry... Harry I..." And with that he leaves...

I sigh deeply and run a hand through my curls, taking the frappe up to my mouth, it's cold now and it doesn't really warm up my feelings.

I guess this talk made me realize that we really can't be best friends anymore...

Everything just gets so complicated...

And I can't help but cry because of the thought of Niall, losing him.

Niall's POV:

I needed to get out of the place, I'm not ready to see Harry. He has a boyfriend now, you're too late Niall.

It's your fault anyways, you chickened out and left him without any explanation. Who would want to be with a guy who leaves you after sex? No one right? I take a deep breath as I reach my flat.

I fish out the keys in my pocket and with shaky hands, I get it and immediately open the door to my flat. I run up to the bathroom because I want to spill all my guts out, there's this sick feeling in my stomach that I need to release.

I spill all my stomach's content in the toilet bowl, after I do that, I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet, leaning on the bathroom wall for support.

I throw my head back and bang it on the wall for a few times.

You're stupid.

This is your entire fault.

You lost the man you love because you were a jerk.

give me a reason |n.s| ✔ - editingWhere stories live. Discover now